On Sunday, the Pan Equus Animal Sanctuary (PEAS) at 940 Hummer Lake Rd. in Oxford Township hosted an open barn event. Members of the public roamed through the barns and pastures, visiting with horses, goats, cows, pigs, donkeys and a peacock.
Apothecary & Co. offers herbal medicines, vitamins, supplements Don’t bother to bring your health insurance card to the new retail pharmacy in downtown Oxford because it only accepts cash payments for prescribed medications. “We are not contracting with any insurance companies,” said Pharmacist Hillary Howell, owner of Apothecary & Co. at 51 S. Washington St., […]
Work on a proposed ordinance to regulate recreational marijuana businesses in Oxford Village began at last week’s planning commission meeting. Village Planner Mario Ortega, of the Northville-based McKenna Associates, presented commissioners with a “preliminary first draft” of some language to review and discuss. The draft ordinance included definitions for the various types of recreational, or […]
From now on, the Oxford Village Planning Commission is dedicating one meeting per month to drafting an ordinance that seeks to regulate recreational marijuana businesses. “I think this is a very delicate subject and that we need to have a designated meeting for this and get it ironed out,” said Commissioner Rose Bejma. In a 6-0 […]
An Oxford native recently took his first bold step toward making a name for himself in the world of independent films. “Cadia: The World Within” premiered at the Gateway Film Center in Columbus, Ohio on June 30. It’s the first feature film released by Just a Skosh Productions (JASP), the co-founder of which is Zach […]
Therapeutic equestrian center seeks volunteers to assist riders, perform office duties Banbury Cross Therapeutic Equestrian Center runs on two things – horsepower and manpower. Right now, it’s in need of the latter. The Metamora-based nonprofit organization is seeking volunteers to help everywhere from its spacious indoor riding arena to its front office. “Some days we […]
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But, sometimes that fire isn’t visible to the naked eye. That’s when it’s handy to have a thermal imaging camera, especially if you’re a firefighter. Thanks to the Four County Community Foundation, the Addison Township Fire Department now has two of them. The Almont-based nonprofit organization awarded the department a […]
Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) will host “Peace in the Park: A Call for Justice and Peace,” an outdoor service in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park, on Sunday, July 14. It will begin at 11 a.m. The service will focus on praying for peace through worship and song. There will be special activities for […]
As they have done since 2009, thousands of folks flocked to the annual Seymour Celebration in Seymour Lake Township Park for three days of carnival rides, food and games, live music and fireworks. There was no shortage of sunshine and good times.
State grants Beaumont’s request to extend review timeline for application It appears folks will have to wait another three months to find out whether the state will approve or deny Beaumont Health’s application to build a 117-bed hospital in Oxford Township. A decision on the matter was originally due by July 1. But, Lynn Sutfin, […]