Village adding stop signs to two intersections

Folks driving through Oxford Village will soon be required to hit the brakes at two more spots. Last week, the village council approved the placement of stop signs at the intersections of East and Division streets and Pontiac and Dennison streets. A total of four stop signs will added. Two will be installed on East […]

Rain can’t stop Field Day

Rain can’t stop Field Day

Lakeville Elementary didn’t let this wet spring stop it from celebrating the end of the school year. When the raindrops started falling on June 5, the kids were inside playing the usual assortment of games in the gym, the library, the cafeteria and the hallways.  

‘You post-9/11 vets are the future’

Later this year, American Legion Post 108 in Oxford will officially turn 100. But, if the organization is going to continue serving veterans and the community for another century, it needs a new generation to carry the torch. That was the main message during Sunday afternoon’s centennial celebration at the post. Rick Moorhead, a Vietnam […]

Architect presents 4 concepts for new library

Decisions, decisions, decisions. There was no shortage of options at the June 3 meeting of the New Building Committee for the Addison Township Public Library. The Pontiac-based TDG Architects presented four conceptual building plans to the committee. “This is an unprecedented opportunity. In the history of Addison Township, has a new library ever been built? […]

Longtime deputy retires

An Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy who spent the majority of his lengthy career protecting and serving this area said good-bye last week. After donning the brown uniform and star-shaped badge on a daily basis for a little over 33 years, Deputy John Dobrowiak has retired. His last day was June 5. “I don’t regret doing […]

Water resources commissioner visits Addison library

Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash paid a visit to the Addison Township Public Library on June 4 to chat with the public about a variety of issues. One of them was the nation’s aging water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure. “It’s way past its life expectancy and we have to start investing in this […]

Lights, camera, cut that ribbon

Oxford Community Television (OCTV) hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house on June 5 to show off its new 3,010-square-foot station in Seymour Lake Township Park. Pictured cutting the ribbon with an oversized pair of scissors is OCTV Station Manager Bill Service. Watching him are (from left) Oxford Chamber of Commerce President Deb Uren, Chamber […]

Downtown’s ‘Concerts in the Park’ series returns this week

Grab your blankets and lawn chairs because downtown Oxford’s “Concerts in the Park” series returns this week. Blue Water Ramblers, a folk and bluegrass group, will kick things off at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 13 in Centennial Park. After that, the schedule is as follows: • June 20 – Taylor Tucky (country rock) • […]