Leonard HS reunion Sat.

Graduates of Leonard High School are invited to attend an alumni reunion on Saturday, Aug. 27 at 225 E. Elmwood St. The event will begin at 1 p.m. with a meal beginning at 2 p.m. The meal is potluck, so please bring a dish to pass. Folks with questions are asked to please call (248) […]

Alumni Sock Hop Aug. 26

If you attended school at 109 Pontiac St. back when it was Oxford High, then you’re invited to the annual Sock Hop on Friday, Aug. 26. The event will run from 7-10 p.m. and cost $10 per person. Disc jockey Bill Pearson, a 1963 OHS graduate, will be playing all the old hits. Refreshments will […]

Polly Ann Trail manager hitting the road

A new manager is being sought by the Polly Ann Trail Management Council (PATMC) because the current one is hitting the road – literally. Trail Manager Pat Ball’s last day on the job will be Sept. 21. He and his wife have decided to fulfill their wanderlust. “I’m not leaving the job per se, I’m […]

Vets invited to picnic honoring them

Military veterans and their families are invited to break bread with others who have donned a uniform and share a memory or two on Saturday, Aug. 27 as Christ the King (CTK) Church in Oxford Township hosts the Fifth Annual Veterans Recognition BBQ/Picnic. Sponsored by CTK’s Veterans Ministry and Vietnam Veterans of America Oakland County […]

Main break leads to precautionary boil water notice in Oxford Twp.

OXFORD TWP. – A water main break that occurred in the early morning hours of Tuesday, Aug. 23 near the intersection of W. Drahner and Newman roads led the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office (WRC) to issue a precautionary boil water notice. Until further notice, a large portion of township water users are advised to […]

Body discovered in woods may be missing woman from group home

The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office says the body of a female believed to be 63-year-old Theresa Adams was discovered by deputies around 11 a.m. Thursday morning, in a wooded area near Hummer Lake and Metamora roads. General characteristics of the body are reported to be consistent with those of Adams. An autopsy is scheduled to […]

Hey, new banners!

Hey, new banners!

  Oxford Village DPW workers Mike Modders (left) and Rich Sands hang new banners downtown. To find out all about them, please read “DDA gets new banners to spruce up downtown.” Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.

Verizon wants to put cell tower in Seymour Lake Park

Verizon Wireless is looking to place a cell tower in the 132-acre Seymour Lake Township Park, but it’s by no means a done deal. The process to potentially obtain approval from Oxford Township has only just begun. Last week, the township board took the first step by voting 6-0 to forward the cell tower proposal […]

Village looks to require registration, inspection of residential rental units

Landlords and tenants take notice, the Oxford Village Council is once again considering an ordinance that would mandate the registration and inspection of residential rental properties to ensure they meet all applicable codes and ordinances. A public hearing on the issue is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13. Council meets at 22 W. Burdick […]