After the dangerously cold weather last week, courtesy of the polar vortex that hit much of the Midwest, Oxford Schools used the last of its allowed cancellation days when it declared the sixth of the academic year on Jan. 30. Then it called off school again the next day, and another on Feb. 6. But, […]
It wasn’t too big of a deal for those in the building, but the record-breaking freezing temperatures that hit the Midwest last week resulted in two reheat coils to crack, then burst when Oxford High School students returned to class on Friday. Due to the damage, one restroom is closed. According to Tony Sarkins, the […]
After being briefly discussed at the Jan. 8 Oxford Board of Education meeting, PrePlanLive’s emergency preparedness tools in the district were put on full display at the Jan. 22 meeting. Dan Flanders, PrePlanLive’s founder and CEO, presented to the board. Flanders developed the PrePlanLive software after serving as a first-responder in several ways throughout his […]
As their state competition in April looms closer, students from Oxford High School’s DECA (Distribution Education Clubs of America) class came to the Oxford Board of Education’s Jan. 22 meeting to showcase a few of the projects they’ll be looking to compete with at the state and national levels. OHS Principal Steven Wolf and teacher […]
To help ease the frustration that accompanies road work and encourage folks to continue patronizing downtown businesses, the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is sponsoring a contest for the M-24 construction project set to begin in 2020. Students of the Oxford school district are invited to create a construction slogan and marketing image for the […]
Three Oxford High School students have spent the last few months teaching fifth-graders about the importance of entrepreneurs in society. That project came to an end a few weeks ago when those fifth-graders presented their business proposals to a panel of judges, and their three high school teachers were blown away with how well they […]
A sense of excitement was palpable in the air as the Oxford Board of Education got ready for its first meeting of the year on Jan. 8. The board’s three new trustees took their seats at the table with smiling faces and as many of their families watched from the audience. The returning trustees welcomed […]
At the Oxford Board of Education’s Jan. 8 meeting, school safety was once again a topic of discussion. As he does most meetings, Sam Barna, Oxford Schools’ assistant superintendent of business operations, updated the board on the district’s ongoing safety efforts and ALICE training. Oxford Middle School became the final school in the district to […]
By Liam Houston — Special contributor On Jan. 5, members of the Oxford High School robotics team, Team 2137 TORC, collected 254 pairs of shoes, boots and slippers to aid a 20-year-old battling a rare form of cancer. The footwear was collected and donated to Victoria Patrico, a patient with thymoma cancer, who is hoping […]
Exactly one week out from Christmas, Leonard Elementary used its monthly school-wide assembly to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. Students were led in song by their teachers with a holiday medley including “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” But, the smiles were the biggest on the kids’ […]