Employee contracts get overwhelming stamp of approval

With 2018 coming to an end, some of the contracts made between Oxford Schools and its employees were up for renewal. David Pass, the district’s assistant superintendent of human resources, was happy to inform the board of education at its Dec. 18 meeting that all of the renewed contracts were able to be extended a […]

Assembly teaches Kingsbury kids life lessons

Kingsbury Country Day School students got a break from their classes on the morning of Friday, Dec. 14 courtesy of the Red Wings organization as part of the Red Wings Assembly Program. Many of the students could be seen wearing the team’s logo and jerseys of their favorite players. The speaker, Coach Ryan, talked to […]

Elementary school uses RULER approach to help students deal with emotions

Whether they realize it or not, the students at Lakeville Elementary are learning a little bit everyday about how to handle their emotions in a healthy way. Last year, the administration implemented the RULER (Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing and Regulating) approach, created by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, in its classrooms. The program worked […]

District land purchase moving along

According to Oxford Schools Superintendent Tim Throne, the district’s recent attempts to purchase the 13.6 acres of land adjacent to the high school are moving along at a healthy pace. At the board of education’s Dec. 18 meeting, Throne updated the progress he and his team had made since he last reported to the board […]

Outgoing members bid farewell to school board

The end of an era came to fruition as a group of board of education members served their last meeting as trustees on Dec. 18. Board Vice President Joyce Brasington, Secretary Mark Stepek and Treasurer Jenny Guthrie bid farewell to their fellow trustees in a bittersweet way and looked back at their time on the […]

Throne gets glowing evaluation

In his third full year of being Oxford Schools’ superintendent, Tim Throne was given a glowing review by the board of education at the board’s Dec. 11 meeting. Board President Tom Donnelly read a section of the board members’ joint statement on Throne aloud. The statement was compiled by board Vice President Joyce Brasington from […]

School board talks construction projects

The new year is getting closer and closer, and the Oxford Schools administrators are looking at ways the school buildings can be improved in 2019. At the board of education’s Dec. 11 meeting, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Sam Barna presented a few of those projects to the board. The school district hired Clark […]

Superintendent updates board on land purchase

Oxford Schools is trying to close quickly on the 13.6 acres of land adjacent to Oxford High School and secure the $500,000 purchase by Dec. 31, but that might not happen. The district is trying to close on the property by that time for tax and cost purposes. Superintendent Tim Throne stressed to the board […]

Students recognized for excellence in arts, academics, athletics

Principals from many of the Oxford schools came to the board of education’s Dec. 11 meeting to recognize exceptional students. The students can earn this recognition by excelling in arts, academics or athletics. Many of the students present on Dec. 11 were honored for a mix of the three. The students all received a certificate […]

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