Presenting the Homecoming Court: Featuring King Garrett Tyrrell and Queen Sophia Bell

Oxford High School’s 2016 Homecoming Court included (from left) Abbey Trbovich, Trent Myre, Sydney Young, Luke Meyer, Paige Parent, Jordan Jaden, Drake Berry, Prince Dominic LoCascio, Queen Sophia Bell, King Garrett Tyrrell, Princess Julia Warrington, Katie DeTone, Jacob Novak, Lauren Sharpe, Dakota Birr, Dane VonAllmen, and Paige Miller. Congratulations to everyone on the court! Photo […]

It’s raining Buds!

Last week, Oxford High School was lousy with Bud Rowleys. Here a Bud, there a Bud, everywhere a Bud. Now before some kooky Facebook page starts telling everyone Oxford has a new cloning program and it’s started with the iconic Wildcat football coach, allow us to explain. The school was simply celebrating “Bud Rowley Day” […]

Cats on the march!

Is there anything better than homecoming in a small town? It fills everybody with school spirit and brings kids of all ages together to root for the home team. Fight on, Wildcats!  

Fire up, Cats!

Oxford High students got fired up for the big homecoming game Friday night with a raucous and fun-filled pep assembly.  

Pistons help kick off ‘the ultimate game’ at Clear Lake

Clear Lake Elementary students were recently treated to an assembly to kick off the school’s building-wide theme for the 2016-17 year, “Learning, the ultimate game.” “We’re hoping through the theme, our kids (learn to) set goals and then really understand that, to be able to reach our goals, we need to continue practicing to get […]

District to survey students about bullying

The Oxford school district will soon have greater insight when it comes to student views regarding its bullying and harassment prevention policies. At the Sept. 27 board meeting, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Denise Sweat reported district officials will administer surveys to students using a service known as the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP). The […]

Leonard Library given a ‘camp-like’ feel

Leonard Elementary’s media center and its surrounding area got a new look over the summer, thanks to the Leonard Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The media center was made over with a “camp-like” feel, complete with a reading row boat, new chairs, rugs, curtains, pillows that resemble logs and a campfire to sit around while […]

Leonard students go to the polls like mom and dad

A big presidential election was held at little Leonard Elementary School last week. Unlike the national version, there was no bombastic rhetoric about making America “great again” or building a giant wall. Deleted emails and private meetings on airport tarmacs didn’t enter into the picture, either. It was simply an old-fashioned exercise in democracy where […]

Run, Clear Lake, run!

On Friday, Clear Lake Elementary students participated in their school’s annual Fund Run. The kids literally ran in circles to raise money for the PTO. A good time was had by all.

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