Clarkston drivers support Lighthouse by the busload

Support rolled in, literally, to Lighthouse Emergency Services on the morning of Dec. 12 as bus drivers for Clarkston Schools brought two school buses full of toys and food for donation.
According to Connie Stapleton, manager of the Clarkston branch of Lighthouse, the second annual ‘Stuff-a-bus? donations came at a time when donations are down.
‘Our donations have been way down. We were getting a little worried over this weekend because? we don’t have many donations,? Stapleton said. ‘Monetary donations are down 40 percent from last year.?
Stapleton said toy and food donations have decreased as well.
‘We’re a little concerned about how we’re going to get through the winter with the food,? Stapleton said.
She added that Lighthouse usually has enough food to last through April, but not this year.
‘We do depend on the community and most of our food is from the community,? she said.
Stapleton noted an increase in the number of people coming to Lighthouse for support.
‘We’re getting more of the white collar workers, people who have lived comfortably are now coming in here because they’re losing their jobs, their hours have been cut. Job security is way down,? Stapleton said.
Stapleton was happy and thankful for the support Lighthouse received from the Clarkston bus drivers, who also brought a bus-load of donations the previous year.
‘This will help us a great deal,? Stapleton said. ‘We were open yesterday (Dec. 11) for toy donations and we didn’t get nearly the number of toys in yesterday as we had in the past.?
In addition to the food and toys, the bus drivers were able to raise approximately $2,000 over the weekend through cash and check donations.
‘This year they had two buses, they had two different locations and it obviously made a big differences,? Stapleton said.
In an e-mail to The Clarkston News, Tina Fay thanked the community on behalf of all the Clarkston bus drivers, staff and their families saying, ‘We appreciate our Transportation Supervisor Kevin Bickerstaff and the schools’ administrative office for allowing us to make this event possible.
Thank you to Kroger and Best Bank on Dixie and Davisburg and Farmer Jack on Sashabaw and Waldon, The Clarkston News for donating the ad for our cause and Signs by Tyke for their contributions.
Tammy, Tina and Sabrina Layton, Tina, Mark and Jessica Fay, Judy Schornak, Charles Wallace, Juanita Gilbert, Charlie Robinson, April Guilds, Sandy Miller, Darlene and Darlene Welch and Kenny Bruce, Colleen MacLeod, Joe Alexander, Paul Edwards, Phyllis Flores, Deb Grech, Ann Curry, Vicki Wiser, Linda, Britney and Braxton Sparks, Fred Haynes, Terri Burnett, Alan Burnham, Sue and Denise Cox, Therea Kraft, Randy Hendrix, Jan Davis, Hollie Telfer, Mary Miller, Diana and Shaylene Haglund, Diana Fultz, Sherry Carpenter, Brenda Davis, Richard Rodriquez, Fay Preston, Ed and Emily Peck, Frank Carrone, Derrick Douglas, Chris Daniel and Craig and Morgan DeLlowe.?
The Clarkston branch of Lighthouse is located at 6330 Sashabaw Rd. and can be contacted at 248-620-6116.

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