Clarkston family offers charity beyond our borders

‘Mike and I always said we would never be able to retire,? said Emily Sutherland. ‘Our second career will be much different, it won’t provide a weekly paycheck.?
Michael, Emily and Jennifer Sutherland are involved with YWAM (Youth With a Mission). The organization is one of the largest Christian mission organizations in the world.
With thousands of staff members and volunteers, YWAM represents more than 130 countries, assisting poor children who live on the streets.
‘My husband Mike and I were inspired by Clarkston resident Jack Byers,? said Emily. ‘We always wanted to do something like this and we started a bit earlier than expected.?
Mike and Emily became active in the organization in 2000. With all the different destinations and plans, in 2001 Emily and her daughter Jennifer decided to travel to Brazil to work with the street children.
The family’s latest project, ‘My Father’s House,? is the third annual fund-raising event for YWAM. The project is to open a restoration home for girls presently living on the streets of Recife, Brazil.
The fund-raiser is a silent auction, and the goal is to raise $100,000. Currently, the organization has raised $36,000 and is left with $60,000 to reach the goal.
‘The girls stole our hearts away,? said Emily. ‘This is when I made the decision to do something about the need for a girls home.?
The mission project has a home for boys, but not for the girls. So, with the passing years, Emily has made a total of nine trips to Brazil and hopes for an extended stay once the girls home is open and running.
Michael and Emily’s daughter Jennifer recently graduated from Calvin College and is training to serve full -time with YWAM in Brazil.
‘I can’t wait for the day we open the doors to ‘My Father’s House,? said Emily. ‘It is a dream that has been years in the making.?
Emily and her family dream of what the house will look like, how it will be furnished and the life that will be offered to the girl’s that come there.
‘I have never felt so loved and cared for as I have when I have been in Brazil,? said Emily.
Although traveling to Brazil and assisting in the well being of these young children is rewarding, Emily does have a least favorite part to her job.
‘My least favorite thing is leaving to go home,? said Emily. ‘Especially leaving the children I have come to know and love on the streets.?
Full – time YWAM members, Julie and Mati Gali from Brazil will speak at the ‘My Father’s House? fund-raiser on the condition in Brazil.
‘My Father’s House? fund-raiser is on Feb 20 at Addison Oaks County Park 1480 W. Romeo Road, Rochester. Tickets are $50 per person. For more information, call Michael or Emily at 248-922-1346.

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