Cost projections spike for new Addison Township Library

By Don Rush

What a difference a week makes.

Final costs for the new Addison Township Public Library building were presented on July 12, at the New Building Committee meeting. According to James Baldiga, president of the library’s board of trustees, “This total is no longer an estimate or a projection. The established total cost for site preparation and new building construction is now $1.78 million This represents a 25% increase over projections. A week ago we were looking at $150,000 loan to meet our goal. Now we’ll need a $530,000 loan.”

The original projection to build the new library was $1.3 million

James Baldiga

Bids based on finalized project specifications were submitted by contractors on June 30. This was compiled by The Alan Group, the library’s construction management firm. Baldiga said the board anticipated a cost increase, “But not to this extent.”

According to Baldiga, project line items with exceptional increases included the new building’s electrical system which was an 84% increase over projections; masonry work increased by 110%. James Ratliff, construction manager of The Alan Group, attributes the increases to extensive construction market pressure since the conceptual budget in 2019.

It’s complicated,” Baldiga said. “It’s not just one thing. The property which was donated to us to build the new library has never been developed. Site preparation costs were not what we expected. We didn’t know there’s a storm drain that empties onto the property. Now, we have to dig a 327 foot tunnel to move the water. We’re gonna’ need 11,000 yards of fill. That’s 400 double gravel trucks. The cost to truck in the gravel – because of the cost of diesel fuel – exceeds the cost of the fill.”

The library board was to meet this week to discuss these developments in the project’s total cost.

The thing is, this bid is good for 30 days. Our construction manager said if we hold off on this, we can expect the cost to go up another 25% next year,” Baldiga said.

In three years fundraising efforts for the library raised $750,000, he said. Fundraising efforts originally generated 86% of the expected funds needed.

With the current figures, the library is now actually at 70% of our fundraising goal. The difference is expected to be made up through a construction loan,” he said, adding, “However, as we are a township library, Addison Township has to co-sign our loan. So, there is a path to getting where we need to be, and it has to go through the township.”

Earlier in the year, he hoped the groundbreaking for the library would happen, “no later than June.” It is now up in the air.

Baldiga added, “If anybody knows of a foundation or group that makes donations for projects like these, please let us know. If you live in the township and support the library, call the township and let the supervisor know.”

To learn more about the project and how to get involved the website

6 responses to “Cost projections spike for new Addison Township Library”

  1. If the township co signs and the library defaults on the loan does it then become the taxpayers responsibility (more taxes) to cover the cost? Im certainly not in favor of that!!!

  2. The township has given zero dollars to the effort to move our library out of the old strip mall and into its own building. And the township has a surplus in its budget. I’m not saying be freewheeling with township money … but ZERO dollars contributed to the “Let’s Build A Library Campaign?” We can do better than that. The library has done it’s part by seeking funding from outside our township – let’s do ours.

  3. Like I said earlier
    Please get your facts straight. (including you Mr. Rush). Where is the $128,000 on your little chart?
    Shame on you all for accusing Addison Twp. for not supporting the Library.

    Go to Addison Township Michigan, Minutes for May and you might see the actual donation!

    Addison Township Board Minutes May 16, 2022

    Agenda item 7.
    Approve and Authorize the Library Agreement from 101.278.884.000.
    Supervisor Pearson: The agreement before you addresses the use of Township ARPA funds with another entity, the Library and requests the entity to use by December 31, 2024 and submit the accounting of the use to the Treasurer.
    By approving the agreement, it also allows the Clerk to process accordingly for payment for $128,000.
    Questions or a motion to Approve and Authorize the Library Agreement from 101.278.884.000.
    Clerk Bennett moved to approve and authorize the Library Agreement with funds from 101.278.884.000. Trustee Geibel offered support.
    Supervisor Pearson: This is for $128,000.
    Supervisor requested a roll call vote.
    Aye: (6) Supervisor Pearson, Clerk Bennett, Treasurer Fisher, Trustee Brakefield, Trustee Geibel, and Jacob Newby.
    Nay: None. Absent: Trustee Gierak.
    Supervisor declared motion passed.

  4. I stand corrected. The chart shows ARPA funds and omitted the township completely.
    It was up to the township board to designate who would receive a portion of those funds.

  5. I would like to see the Township step up with more support especially given the amount of money they currently are sitting on. We have enjoyed many programs the library has offered over the years and would love to see the new building. The residence of Addison would get much more benefit with a library than any of the other suggestions being talked about for spending that fund (like a splash park). A new library would enhance the community far more than the recent additions and renovations to the township offices which they were happy to spend money on. Or yet another idea… feel free to lower my taxes!

  6. Ed & Deb, you’re both right.

    It was up to the Township to designate the ARPA funds towards the library.

    Other than that though, there has not been any other financial contribution from Township coffers toward the cost of building the first library in Addison Township.

    I am happy to answer any questions from the community regarding how much we’ve rasied and where it’s come from. My contact information is on the website.

    – – related – –

    The SEMCOG site compiles financial information from all local governments across the state & and provides easy to understand reports on revenue, expenses and fund balances by local government unit.

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