Crossroads kids visit county government

Five young ladies from Oxford’s Crossroads for Youth got a bird’s eye look into government during the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Youth in Government Day.
The main goal of the event was to give students across Oakland County an opportunity to learn about county government and see their commissioners in action. In addition to those from Oxford, other youth participating were from Berkley, Farmington North, Farmington High, Pontiac Central, Pontiac Northern and McCarroll.
‘This has been a great day,? said 16-year-old Dannielle.
The students began their day in government with a welcome by County Executive L. Brooks Patterson and Board Vice Chairman David L. Moffitt. Some of the scheduled activities included visiting with the commissioners over lunch; having a question and answer period; and touring the Information and Technology Center, the Road Commission’s Traffic Operation Facility and the Sheriff’s Department.
The students also sat through a finance committee meeting in the board auditorium. The girls all agreed that the meeting was confusing.
‘I didn’t understand what was going on a lot of the time,? said 16-year-old Darlene. ‘I did learn that they never say no – they all voted yes the entire time.?
Most of the Crossroads for Youth students enjoyed touring the technology center the best.
‘I learned about GSI, that was neat,? said Dannielle. ‘I was amazed by how quickly technology advances.?
Jennifer described how one of the boys on the tour gave his home address to one of the county employees and they were able to bring up a picture and lots of information about his house on the computer.
‘I liked seeing that,? she said.
All of the girls said they would recommend the experience to others.
‘I think it’s a very educational experience,? said Dannielle. ‘I think I would consider this as a career since there’s always something more to learn and areas to progress to. You wouldn’t get bored with this type of job.?

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