Custom Health Center gets to the roots

By Gabriel Ouzounian
Review Staff Writer
Orion residents looking for an alternative to traditional medical care now have one more option available.
Custom Health Center, which opened about three months ago, focuses on finding the root cause of problems rather than just treating symptoms. Owner Dr. Jason Olafsson said he took an alternative approach to medicine after spending time in the pharmaceutical industry where he worked as a sales representative.
‘I was in a meeting one day and someone in my field told me ‘the beauty of our product is that people get on these drugs, they’re on them for the rest of their life, and we make money on every prescription,?? said Olafsson. ‘After hearing that I stepped back, looked at what I was doing, and said ‘that’s sick.?
‘I realized I was in an industry that was not looking to make people well, but to addict people to drugs legally. I started looking into holistic alternatives, and when I did, I realized there were a lot of ways to tackle the chronic issues that plague our society.?
Olafsson said he works on not only curing the immediate problems presented to him, but tries to look at ‘the whole person? to discover where any chronic problems may originate. Looking for what he called toxicity and deficiency in the body, he attempts to address solutions through nutrition and supplementation techniques. Services offered at the Custom Health Center include structural chiropractic care, scoliosis correction, physical therapy, ‘lifestyle/supplementation programs,? and more.
‘I chose to be a chiropractor so I can work on everything from holistic to nutrition based problems, but people who come here get their whole life looked at rather then just a neck adjustment,? he said. ‘I do nutritional consultations on conditions such as fiber myalgia (chronic pain patterns), chronic fatigue, diabetes, and really almost anything. Drugs will only cover up issues – they’ll put bandaids on the symptoms – but my whole office is dedicated to supporting the body with nutrition, supplementation, and healthy lifestyle choices in order to get to the root of the problem.?
In addition to taking an alternative approach to medical care, Olafsson said he differs from the stereotypical view of homeopathic care in that he ‘won’t just send someone to (the store) and tell them to by XYZ.?
‘I run lab test, and based on those tests we design a program to support any body to help it function more effectively,? he said.
Olafsson grew up just inside of Clarkston on the Lake Orion border, and from there moved to Atlanta, GA to pursue his career in the pharmaceutical industry. After deciding to leave the industry, he said he ‘sat back and saw he could go anywhere,? but after visiting numerous states and cities, he found he felt most at home in the Lake Orion area. He said he’s already seen a large number of patients, and that he’s looking to change the ‘lives of as many people as God puts in front of me.?
‘I’m looking to make Lake Orion a healthier and happier place.?
The Custom Health Center, located at 3631 S. Baldwin Road at the corner of Maybee is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. They’re also open on Tuesday and Thursday from 3p.m. to 6 p.m.
They can be reached by telephone at (248) 391-5400, by email at, or online at

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