Efforts to boost CAD enrollment continue

Last spring, the Oxford School Board drew severe criticism from parents when they announced the cancellation of the CAD (Computer Aided Design) classes at the high school due to lack of enrollment.
For the 2006-07 school year, the administration has put into place certain strategies to help boost enrollment. Instructors of the CAD program are heavily promoting the class in their middle and high school classes. OHS Principal Mike Schweig said counselors will also be meeting with engineering and drawing students to discuss enrolling them in next year’s classes.
At various curriculum nights and parent/teacher conferences, the instructors will promote their CAD class even more.
‘It’s an elective course and we feel that our job is to make kids and parents aware of this opportunity,? Schweig said. ‘It’s not a required course, but it’s an opportunity for kids that we feel is essential that they know about.?
One of the main reasons why students said they didn’t enroll in CAD this year was due to the state mandated two-hour block.
Assistant Principal, Ken Weaver, said the option of cutting the class down to one hour just didn’t seem feasible. ‘What we’d lose is the funding for that,? he said.
Schweig said the school is looking at the option of forgoing the money the state offers in order to make the CAD class one hour with a higher enrollment.
‘We’re interested in doing all we can to make this work,? he said.

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