Five run for two seats

Five area residents have turned in petitions for the two seats up for election this June on the Oxford Area Community Schools board of education.
According to Superintendent Virginia Brennan-Kyro, Anthony Giannola and Robert Guzanek have petitioned for the two-year term currently held by Jamie Flemming and previously held by Steve Drakos. Flemming was appointed to the seat in March after Drakos resigned because he moved to the Lake Orion school district.
Running for the four-year term currently held by Ron Mutch are Jamie Flemming, Doug Myer and Gary Skelton. Mutch decided not to run for the seat. He will be completing his second term in June and has served as a past board president.
‘I just feel that having served eight years has been a good community service experience and I hope I’ve benefitted the schools during my time,? he said. ‘Now I just want to make room for someone else to have that kind of opportunity.?
Mutch said that he enjoyed his years on the board and he will carry some great memories and experiences.
Voters will decide on the two seats at the annual school district election on Monday, June 9.

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