Goodrich scores with donation

Goodrich — New scoreboards are lighting up the Goodrich High School gym, thanks to a donation by former high school teacher Kathleen Schollar.
Schollar, who retired last year after teaching 25 years at Goodrich, heard rumors the two-decade old scoreboards were in “fragile” condition, said Goodrich Athletic Director Al Martus.
“Within three or four months Kathleen approached me,” said Martus.
Schollar has served as official scorekeeper of boys and girls basketball at the high school since the late Aaron Brigham “sweet-talked” her into subbing, she said. She purchased the scoreboards out of her own pocket, foregoing a purchase for which she’d been saving.
The donation is in memory of Brigham, along with two former Goodrich athletic enthusiasts, the late Johnny Joslin and Don Barns.
“It’s in memory of what I owe to those people for giving me an avocation that I love,” she said. “They are my kids—I’m not ready to give that up yet.”
The scoreboards were first lit at the Oct. 23 game, said Martus, who is thrilled with the donation.
“It was fantastic, it’s very nice of her to do that,” Martus said, who had been cautioning coaches to be careful with the old boards.
“If you’re going to be part of a community, you’re going to give back, especially if they’ve done things for you,” said Schollar. “They’ve made me feel welcome, gave me a sense of belonging. I feel very lucky to be part of this system.”
Although Schollar has been mum about the donation, the secret has leaked out.
“Some of the girls know ‘cause the coaches have told them. Every once in a while they’ll give me a hug,” she said, her voice dropping to a whisper, “and they say, ‘Thanks.”

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