Grab a free cup of joe at Immanuel

Coffee anyone?
Those tired of spending every Friday night out on the town, seeing movies or going to boring parties now have an alternative.
The Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ on Hovey St. has a coffee house the third Friday of every month, where the community can come together and enjoy a free cup of joe.
Rev. Karen Moeschberger said the coffee house started as a way to keep kids out of trouble.
‘Starbucks and the theater started seeing kids loiter around after the movies and so this was our way to encourage kids not to loiter,? she said. ‘We wanted to give them a place to go.?
The coffee house started in June and had about 50 members of the community their first session and 100 their next.
But coffee’s not the only item for the community to enjoy.
Moeschberger said there is an open microphone where people can sing or tell jokes–clean ones, of course. Teen bands occasionally perform at the coffee house as well.
The coffee house will be a year-long event held in the Fellowship Hall at Immanuel the third Friday of every month (except August when it will be the second Friday) from 8 to 10 p.m.
Donations to the church are appreciated.

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