Green thumbs needed to help the hungry in Oxford

Anyone with a garden knows it’s very hard work, but the end result always makes it worth while.
That’s why residents from Oxford, Lake Orion and other surrounding areas have spent the last few weeks planting their garden on land purchased by St. Joseph Catholic Church on the premises of the Dominican Sisters on W. Drahner Road.
Through the Plant a Row for the Hungry (PAR) program, 90 percent of the food grown in the garden is donated to the Oxford/Orion FISH Food Pantry, while the rest is given to the Hope Senior Apartments.
PAR was launched in 1995 by the Garden Writers Association and is designed to assist in feeding the hungry in their own community.
Gardeners are encouraged to grow a little extra and donate the produce to local soup kitchens and food banks for the homeless and hungry.
The garden at the Dominican Sisters is an official drop off point for PAR.
Oakland Township resident Kris Rupprecht has been involved with the garden for seven years and said the 100 by 60 foot garden is overflowing with different produce.
Potatoes, onions, beets, tomatoes, beans, strawberries, blueberries, herbs and flowers are among the varieties planted in the garden.
The volunteers, some of which are Master Gardeners through the Michigan State University extension program, spend time throughout the week and their Saturday’s planting, weeding, watering, making compost and taking care of the garden.
‘There’s something rewarding about working with your hands in the soil,? Rupprecht said. ‘I just think it’s good to get the community involved in helping people who are less fortunate.?
St. Joe’s donates $250 a year to help run the garden, but Rupprecht said they also receive donations from outside sources.
Rupprecht said they’re always needing volunteers, especially when they begin to harvest the produce in July and August, and for dropping the food off at the pantry.
For more information on volunteering contact Kris Rupprecht at (248) 601-0957.

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