Just What Is Bill Clinton Up To?

Republicans are turning a paler shade of white.
Democrats are shaking their heads.
Political pundits are jumping with joy.
Former United States President William Jefferson Clinton has gone and done it again. He smiled, spoke and has got everybody in a tizzy. Two-term presidents, he said, should be able to run for the White House for a third term. If Bill had his druthers, the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America would be vanquished from the books and sand-blasted off any obelisks that happen to be inscripted with said amendment.
A better plan, he said, would be to allow two-term presidents to run again, after somebody else has occupied the office. Of course, our boy Bill said, this would not affect him personally, just all the good presidents that follow.
Looking back at ol? Bill’s track record of doing what he says, the thief of happiness, worry, may be rearing its head for nonbelievers. I can hear it now.
‘E-gads, NO!? shout loyal Clinton haters disguised as mild-mannered Republicans. ‘We couldn’t exorcise the Devil before, what will we do if he’s reincarnated? The world as we know it will end. All life forms related to banking and moral high ground will be ground forever under the rubber of his running shoes.?
‘It LIVES!? the politcos cry, their bodies quivering with delight. ‘Life is again worth living, reporting and commenting on.?
‘Oh, golly gee and darn it all,? lament disheartened Democrats, heads hung low. ‘When will we ever be free of his shadow? Is there a way to kill the monster we created? When will any of us ever get our turn at running the White House??
So what is Bill up to?
What has he started in motion?
Does he want to run for president again?
I think not. I do not believe any red-blooded Republican would allow the Constitution of These Here United States to be tweaked by or for their arch nemesis, that dope smokin?, draft-dodgin?, womanizin? Bill Clinton. Nope, nadda, zilch. Do something so Bill Clinton can again run for (and therefore win) an election? Hardee, har, har. That will only happen when Rosie O’Donnell or Babs Streisand pries the gun from Charlton Heston’s cold, dead hands.
The Dems don’t want him to run either. They’ve suffered too much. The only reason they lost control of Congress, et al, was the Bill Clinton backlash. Love him or hate him — there is no in between. Bill’s Clintonesque helped create the great divided state we now live.
So why did Bill bring it up?
William Jefferson Clinton, if anything, is a political genius. And because he’s smarter than the average cheeseburger he knows he’ll have no support from either side of the aisle. So again, inquiring minds want to know, why?
Well, folks, around these parts, I’m sort of known as sort of an ‘answer man.? If I don’t know an answer, I can quickly whip one up with a straight face. That said, I believe I have the answer. And, no it is not because Bill’s really a red, white and blue patriot, who cares deeply about the American people — for as long as he runs for President, he keeps his wife Hilary from running.
Here’s what I think.
I think what Bill really wants is for President Josiah Bartlett (D-Hollywood) to have the third term option, thereby allowing Martin Sheen a few more years at the helm of NBC’s The West Wing. (For those of you not in the know, anti-nuke activist and actor Sheen portrays the fictional US President, Josiah Bartlett.)
Come on, everybody knows Bill Clinton is infatuated with (among other things) Hollywood. He loves the limelight, the actors and the oo-la-la actresses. He loves them and they love him right back. So, at this moment in time former President Clinton is giving back. He wants Martin Sheen and company to have the gig as long as they can. And that means Bartlett/Sheen needs a third term.
End of discussion.
Any other questions?
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