Looking for vets to help

By Don Rush
Each year volunteers for Clarkston’s American Legion Post 63 can be seen at local street crossings and businesses with handfuls of red poppies. They seek donations that in turn are used to help those veterans of the United States Armed Forces in need.
Each year, the volunteers are able to trade thousands of paper poppies for thousands of dollars in donations. ‘Each year, this community is very generous,? post trustee Keith Marbutt said.
‘There are a lot of wonderful people out there,? echoed his wife and Poppy Sale co-chair, Uni, recently sitting at round table, situated between a shuffle board table and bar. Behind them, and above the shuffle board, a painted picture of Old Glory ‘waves? proudly.
There’s only one problem with the picture: There’s money to spend, but not enough people (veterans) to spend it on.
‘We generally try to keep the money local,? Uni said. ‘There are very strict rules on how we can spend. Funds from the Poppy Sales go to the needs of veterans ? or their families ? in need. But, we can’t give it to them, unless they ask.?
Each year, Post 63 helps just under 20 veterans with things like making rent, mortgage or utility payments, money for groceries, medical treatments and even travel.
‘Thing is,? Keith said, ‘We can probably help double that number of veterans given the opportunity.?
New medical regulations dealing with patient confidentiality and the veteran’s own displeasure of asking for help make it hard to find those who could use a hand. ‘And,? Uni said, ‘they are out there. In Detroit alone there are over 4,900 homeless vets. I am sure there are some up here, too.?
The volunteers said many of their referrals come from wives and mothers of veterans, rather than the veterans themselves.
Recently, the Post has helped veterans needing travel expenses to get home, and they have even helped Habitat For Humanity build a home for another local veteran. When the Post helps financially, all checks are made out to the group that needs to be paid, the landlord, utility company or mortgage holder.
Post 63’s Service Officer in charge is Jack Pierce. He’s trained in evaluations and working with the veterans and their families. If you know of a veteran in need, contact Pierce by calling and leaving a message at the Post (248-625-9912) or e-mail, Legion63Mi@gmail.com
This year’s Poppy Sale is slated for May 14-16. The Post is also actively seeking new members, veterans or children of veterans who have served prior to 1996. Membership dues are $35 year.

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