Meet our new reporter Andrew Moser

The white Oxford Leader and Ad-Vertiser sign I glance at out the window from my desk reminds me how far I have come in my 24 years.
Growing up in Warren as an only child, I had to learn to entertain myself. Through that, I discovered that I wanted to become a sports reporter.
I worked at KFC after I graduated high school in 2004, and went on to Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts and graduated with concentration in Radio in 2005. While at Specs I defined my passion for writing and reporting the news.
I applied for positions at three radio stations and was denied, so I became a cashier at Oak Ridge Supermarkets.
After one summer of ‘paper or plastic? I decided to go back to school and wound up at Rochester College in Jan 2006 because I wanted to expand my horizons.
I split my time between coursework and three jobs while at Rochester: an English tutor, office assistant for the Enrollment Office as well as continuing to cashier at Oak Ridge.
It was that love of writing that caused me to get involved in Rochester College’s newspaper, The Shield. I first started out as a staff reporter, but by my Senior year I was asked to become the News section Editor.
My first semester at Rochester I met my fiancee, who lives in Oxford, and we got engaged last October.
I graduated in May 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication/Broadcasting and a Minor in Professional Writing.
I applied to and was accepted to be an intern with the Leader this past winter. At the conclusion of my internship, I was offered a position with the Leader.
Even though I have only been around Oxford for the past three years, this town has grown on me. Instead of it being a hour drive up north, it’s an hour drive to my second home.
I intend to move here after I get married.
This dream of mine is becoming a reality every time I see that white sign.
I will see you around town, Oxford.
Moser’s beats will include Addison Township, Oxford Schools, sports and various news and feature assignments.

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