Meet ‘The Surgeon’

Although he’s only 13 years old, Juwan Moody is already being courted by basketball recruiters from major colleges nationwide, has met many famous sports figures and won awards too numerous to count.
But what does he think of it all?
‘It’s alright,? he said with a humble smile.
Juwan, a seventh-grader at Oxford Middle School and a resident of Auburn Hills, has had his mind set on that bright orange ball since he was in diapers and has no desire to stop that train of thought anytime soon.
His parents, John, a counselor at Oxford High School and former basketball coach for Pontiac Northern, and Carolyn first discovered this basketball prodigy’s talent when he was 2 years old.
‘My wife called me at work to tell me that he made like 12 shots in a row,? John said. ‘He was actually jumping up and air-shooting the jump shot from a long distance.?
When John got home from work he saw his son shoot into the Fisher Price basketball hoop with his own two eyes, but never really thought of it as anything more than luck.
Some time later, John was at the barbershop when a man came in talking about a 6-year-old kid at the YMCA league who was playing basketball better than the older kids.
When Juwan walked into the barbershop later that day, the man yelled ‘That’s him!? and told John to ‘change his mortgage,? because he’s ‘gonna have a new address.?
‘That was when I realized that God had given him special talents,? his father proudly said.
Juwan has played in numerous recreational leagues and has many good memories, like when he led the Detroit youth organization team known as ‘The Family? to the Michigan AAU state championship last year.
A fan of Juwan’s even nicknamed him ‘The Surgeon? because when he plays, he brings his tools to operate.
He’s also participated in sports camps, like Michael Jordan’s Flight School, where kids can pay to meet the basketball star, attend his lectures and play under his supervision.
Juwan was named Most Valuable Player at the camp for averaging 32 points per game. The games were refereed by Jordan himself.
The basketball star even spoke to Juwan and his father about how important their father/son relationship is to keeping his goals alive.
‘He’s my best friend and I’m his best friend,? said John of his son. ‘He knows that when things really get tough and everyone else turns their back on him, I’m gonna be there.?
Although Juwan’s been in the limelight for a while, his parents have been adamant on helping him live a normal life.
Radio stations, television crews and newspaper reporters would stand outside of their house wanting to interview the basketball prodigy.
‘In the beginning, it was kind of different because we didn’t understand what all the hoopla (no pun intended) was about,? John said.
Juwan was briefly mentioned in a Sports Illustrated story and was even sought out by USA Today for a story. His parents declined the paper an interview.
Basketball recruiters from Duke and Michigan State have been leaving messages on John’s work voicemail, but he is steadfast in not letting it consume him.
Their goal is to keep their son as level-headed as possible and not think too much about the future until it approaches.
His father says they let Juwan go out and have fun like normal kids, but they try to keep a low profile.
‘A lot of times I feel that individuals will come to him and either try and seduce him with gifts or talk to him about things to get to know him better,? said John.
The shy 13-year-old is anything but arrogant or conceded about what he calls his ‘God-given gift.?
Humility is something his parents have taught him all his life.
‘If that was me, I’d be so excited I couldn’t sleep,? John said. ‘But for him, it’s different. Even though he has special skills, he’s still a human being like everyone else and he has to take the good along with the bad.?
Here’s an example of Juwan’s selflessness. While at a Reebok basketball camp in Detroit, Juwan not surprisingly came out on top, winning almost all of the awards.
He gave one of his awards to a girl who didn’t win anything.
‘That, to me, was remarkable,? his father said. ‘True leaders are measured by that because it’s not about him and he sees that.?
When he’s not playing football or basketball, Juwan is your normal middle-schooler. He enjoys playing video games and listening to rapper 50 Cent.
His favorite subjects at OMS are math and science. He also enjoys playing basketball with his cousin when he has the time.
For any kid who has a dream of getting into the NBA, Juwan advises them to ‘don’t ever stop thinking about your goal.?
Which NBA team does Juwan hope to play for?
The Detroit Pistons, of course. Or the Miami Heat’or the Memphis Grizzlies so he can be close to his grandma.
Whichever team Juwan ends up playing for, his father knows he will far exceed his goals in life.
‘I really believe that he was created to do what he is doing now,? he said. ‘He’s gonna one day do some great things and I can see it.?

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