Mitchell running for school board

After being appointed to the school board after Trustee Bill Keenist resigned in May, Angela Mitchell is hoping to be voted into a more permanent seat, which is why she is running in the Nov. election.
‘I have always been active in the schools and I am interested in broadening my involvement and giving back to our students as well as our community,? Mitchell said.
Mitchell and her husband have been residents of the Oxford community for 14 years. They have two children, a fifth-grade son at Oxford Elementary and a seventh-grade son at Oxford Middle School.?’She also works as an integration manager in the employee benefits field.
‘I focus on project management and strategic planning,? she said.
For Mitchell, the highlight of the current board and administration is ‘the’attention that is given to developing programs that fulfill many different student needs including academics, athletics and the arts as well as the different formats offered to accommodate varied learning styles.?
She believes where there is concern and need for improvement is in the area of transparency. ‘There is a perception that there has not been enough transparency,? Mitchell added. ‘I would like to see more attention given to offering information in a manner that is more accessible to the community.?

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