Newman, Stanton roads get resurfaced

Resurfacing began today on a three-mile stretch of Newman and Stanton roads thanks to the generosity of the Levy Corporation and hard work from the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC).
Levy Corp. donated 3,000 tons of 21-AA crushed stone to resurface Newman Road from Drahner to Indianwood and Stanton Road from Newman to Coats. The donated material is worth approximately $30,000.
‘These are heavily travelled roads that took a real pounding last winter ? lots of holes and bumps,? explained Oxford Township Supervisor Bill Dunn. ‘They needed to be resurfaced and Levy once again stepped up to the plate with a big donation for the community.?
Over the last four years, the Levy Corp. has donated 12,000 tons of crushed stone, worth an estimated $120,000, to resurface approximately 10 miles of township roads, according to Dunn.
‘Levy should get one of those ‘Business of the Year? awards from Oxford’s Chamber (of Commerce),? Dunn said.
Consisting of 100 percent crushed stone, 21-AA (which refers to the size of the stones) is a high quality material, far superior to standard road gravel.
Road gravel is a blend of stone and clay packed together. When water mixes with gravel, it loses its strength and turns to mush.
But when water hits 21-AA, it hardly affects it because the dust between the crushed stones serves as a binder that interlocks them like concrete.
The result is a stronger, smoother road that stays intact much longer than ordinary gravel.
But all those tons of 21-AA crushed stone would never get spread on the township’s roads without help from Loren Yaros, RCOC maintenance superintendent for the northeast portion of the county.
‘Whenever the township gets one of these donations, the first thing I do is call up Loren and he immediately gets the job done for us,? Dunn said. ‘Oxford residents don’t know how lucky they are to have someone like Loren Yaros working for them.?

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