Orion-Oaks Elem wins award

Higher Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) scores are paying off in more ways then one for students and staff at Orion Oaks Elementary School.
The school was recently honored with the Golden Apple Award from the Michigan governor and with it a $10,000 payment.
Earning the award is a three-year process, according to Orion Oaks Co-Principal Melanie O’Neil.
“You must increase state MEAP scores by 60 points…that’s in math, reading, writing and science, cumulatively,” she said. “We were one out of 12 schools in Michigan granted the award.”
O’Neil said a few years ago Orion Oaks went through some changes with staff and curriculum, all aimed at boosting scores.
“We decided to look at our scores and analyze them, find out where our students are weak,” she said, adding that only fourth-and fifth-grade students participate in the MEAP test.
“But we decided it was important for the whole school to work on their strategies,” said Orion Oaks Co-Principal Brian Kaplan. “Informational reading, for one, is difficult nationwide, and writing.”
O’Neil said it was difficult to increase the writing scores, but it was a kindergarten through fifth-grade goal for Orion Oaks.
“We are extremely proud of how hard the students have worked…every staff member came together for this goal,” she said.
“What’s nice about the award is that it’s shared with so many people…the kids involved in the first year of this award are now in sixth grade,” said Kaplan.
O’Neil added that some skills taught in regards to the MEAP test are life-long skills.
“We’re teaching them to succeed in life,” she said.
As for the $10,000 that comes along with the award, Orion Oaks recently received its first payment and Kaplan said they are still deciding what the money will go towards.
“We’re looking at enhancing our curriculum…who knows what we’ll do,” he said.
Orion Oaks has put together a committee of parents and staff to come up with possible uses for the money.
“It’s a validation of good teaching techniques,” O’Neil said. “Everyone loves a pat on the back.”

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