Oxford’s Academic Achiever: Lauren Schiller

Lauren Schiller
Parents: Sarah and Dawson Schiller
GPA: 4.238 Favorite Subject: English Language Arts
Plans after graduation: I plan to attend college and major in communications, with a concentration on public relations.
Extracurricular Activities: I run varsity cross country and track. I am also the President of the National Honor Society and run a mentorship book club for middle school girls.
Outside Interests and Hobbies: I enjoy reading, writing, watching movies, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.
What did you learn about yourself during lockdown?: I learned that I need to carve out time for myself to slow down and do things I enjoy doing, like reading or spending time with the my family. Shutdown offered me a chance to do this and create better balance in my life.
How have you grown as an individual during your time at OHS? During my years at OHS, I have become more confident in myself and my abilities, which has allowed me to become more outgoing and outspoken both in and out of the classroom.
What change in the world would you make? I would encourage tolerance and being open to listen to others, because I think that’s the only way to decrease polarization and solve conflict.
What advice do you have for incoming freshmen? My advice is to get involved. Joining sports or clubs is a great way to get integrated into the school and make friends from all grades— including upperclassmen, who can then help you throughout high school.

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