Paint Creek dancers set St. Patrick’s tone

The Mullaly family, with three daughters at Paint Creek Elementary, showcased their Irish Dancing skills at the school on March 17.
Cara, a fifth grader, Livy, a third grader, and Mckenna, a kindergartner, dazzled audiences during lunch hours at the school. All three girls train at the O’Hare School of Irish Dance in Birmingham.
Mother Shari Mullaly said the two older girls, ages 10 and 9, have been dancing for five years, while Mckenna took it up two years ago.
The three girls did a soft shoe dance together, and then Cara performed a hard shoe dance. Cara is hoping to some day go to the Irish Dance world competition, held each year in Ireland.
‘I want to open and teach at an Irish Dance studio,? she said of her long-term goals.
The girls compete across the state at competitions known as a ‘Feis.?
The first one this year will be in Detroit in early June.
The competitions are individual competitions and are age specific, meaning they don’t just compete against each other, but against O’Hare classmates.

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