Pine Knob teacher named Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year

He was expecting just another school assembly.
However, when Bob Brazier, third-grade teacher at Pine Knob Elementary, entered the school’s cafeteria, he was surprised to see he was the guest of honor.
Back in December, Jorgen Johnson, one of Brazier’s students, wrote an essay about his favorite teacher and submitted the nomination at the Waterford Wal-Mart.
‘He cares about all of us, and he helps to make learning fun,? Johnson wrote. ‘He’s the greatest teacher in the world.?
Somebody must have agreed.
Brazier was selected as ‘Teacher of the Year? and rewarded in front of his peers and students. Brazier received a $1,000 check from Darla Cobb and Faye Berry, Wal-Mart representatives, who said the money will go towards supplies for the school.
PKE Principal K.C. Leh said Brazier will help decide what the money go towards.
‘I wish they had wrote ‘PKE Staff? on there,? Brazier commented about the novelty check.
He added that he enjoys his work at PKE so much because he is surrounded by excellent coworkers.
All Brazier could say during the assembly was a humble ‘thanks,? later remarking he felt his work was comparable to other teachers at PKE.
‘I don’t think I do anything that the other teachers in this school don’t do,? Brazier said.

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