Public Safety Oct. 3, 2018

Fraud at the sub shop

A Subway manager called Oxford Village police on Sept. 25 to report fraud that had taken place the night before. According to the police report, the manager told police that two teenage African-American girls came into the restaurant and both made small purchases with $20 bills. One girl bought two cookies, and the other bought a bowl of soup. Later, a counterfeit pen showed that both $20 bills were counterfeits. Aside from skin color, there are no other leads about the two girls at this time.

Take back that dog

A 43-year-old Lake Orion man was arrested by Oakland County Sheriff’s deputies after breaking a Personal Protection Order (PPO) his ex-wife has against him on Sept. 25 after he attempted to give her dog back. According to the police report, the woman called police after feeling threatened and harassed by her ex-husband over the phone that day, and she later reported feeling threatened in person. She told officers that he had been sending her aggressive text messages to come get her dog and later started calling her. When he heard her boyfriend in the background, he allegedly became angry and more aggressive. This made her afraid and prompted her to place a 911 call. When her ex-husband later dropped off the dog, the report states that no physical altercations took place.

Officers were able to contact the man later, who denied being aggressive and said he returned his ex-wife’s dog to her home without the knowledge that she was there. He told officers that he understood he was to have no contact with his ex-wife or children because of the PPO. According to the report, he was cooperative with officers upon arrest for breaking the PPO, saying that he would go to jail if it meant being able to see his children again.

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