Raise declined

Atlas Twp. – Atlas Township Deputy Treasurer Sara Bachmann surprised board members last week with her request to rescind her recently approved 50-cent-per-hour raise.
Bachmann, who opted to lend the township a helping hand after retiring as treasurer last October, feels the raise will interfere with her Social Security check.
‘If it’s going to throw the budget off, I can take the 50-cent raise,? said student representative Nick McElrath.
‘This is the first time I’ve been in this dilemma,? said township supervisor Paul Amman, laughing.
Treasurer Ann Marie Slagle joined most of the board in voting aye ‘with regret,? said Slagle.
Trustee Scott Statson voted ‘nay? to the motion.
‘I think she deserves it,? he said.

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