Snow shovel help available for seniors

Tis the season for snow shoveling.
According to City Manager Dennis Ritter, city residents have 24 hours after a storm to clear their sidewalks.
For senior citizens or those physically unable to snow shovel, their sidewalks, or driveways, Ritter said there is help available, though they don’t get very many calls.
‘When that occurs, we’ve got people we call. They’ll go over there and shovel the snow for them,? he said. ‘More often than not, family comes over and does it.?
Ritter said he will send a ‘friendly reminder? concerning the sidewalk snow removal policy at the beginning of the New Year.
Ritter noted there is a lot of neighbors helping neighbors.
‘We’ve seen that a lot because we keep an eye on a lot of these folks,? he said. ‘We watch them and things like this, it’s just a no-brainer to (go over and help) shovel it.?
Bridgewood Church, located at the corner of M-15 and Rattalee Lake Road, also reaches out to the community.
‘We have had people from BWC volunteer to help some of our seniors and single mom’s survive this heavy snow,? said Sue Marquee, spiritual life pastor at Bridgewood. ‘We have also been doing something called ‘Operation Blessing.??
Operation Blessing helps out single moms, widows, and families in crisis.
‘Whether it’s home or auto repair, an overdue bill, groceries, Christmas presents for a child, or a needed improvement. We want to be a blessing to our Bridgewood family,? states the churches? website.
Theresa Gordon, head of Senior Services with Independence Township Senior Center, said senior citizens needing assistance with snow removal can call the center as well.
‘I usually give them the phone numbers to contact the people and let them work it out what works best for them,? Gordon said. ‘Pretty much with anything seniors will need I probably have some sort of resource I can refer them too.?
Seniors needing snow removal assistance can call Senior Center at 248-625-8231. City residents can call city offices at 248-625-1559.

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