Special guest flies through St. Joe’s School

Kathy Roesner’s first-grade class at St. Joseph School has a long history with Monarch Butterflies.
Thanks to a special journal, their efforts will be forever remembered.
The journal is part of a ‘Travelling Monarch Project,? in which Mariposa, a plush butterfly, travels with a book and a journal across the country.
Mariposa’s journey began at the Deane Porter School in Rumson, NJ, but has gone as far away as Canada and Mexico.
Each participating school, including the most recent participant St. Joe’s, writes an entry into the journal. The entry includes information about the school and its town.
Like St. Joe’s, many of the participating schools are working to save the Monarch butterfly migration.
This school year, St. Joe’s raised and released 36 Monarchs. Their courtyard was certified as an official ‘Monarch Waystation? by the University of Kansas.
The courtyard has milkweed, nectar flowers and shelter to sustain the Monarchs before they begin their migration to Mexico.
In addition to sharing their experience with the Monarchs, the students got a chance to learn about many other schools across North America.
Mariposa left St. Joe’s on March 27, bound for Columbus, OH, after spending a week in Lake Orion.

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