Youth Assistance honors more than 200 good kids

Good kids doing good things.
That’s what Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance’s (OAYA) Annual Youth Recognition Ceremony is all about.
On Monday, May 23, OAYA honored a little more than 200 Oxford students ? ranging from elementary age to high school ? for their good deeds, volunteer spirit and willingness to help others. Here’s the who’s who of who was honored during the ceremony at Oxford Middle School:
Individual Honors
Daniel Axford Elementary:
Katelin Cramer ? Katelin does a grea job of being kind to her classmates. When Katelin sat by a girl who has a hard time getting along with people, she went out of her way to help her every way she could. She befriended the little girl, played with her on the playground, ate lunch with her and gave her hugs when she appeared upset.
Nicholas Hershman ? Nicholas is a student who is a good role model for the rest of the class. He is helpful, kind and has excellent working and social skills. He excels in all of the academic area. He sets high goals for himself and says he will someday be president of the USA.
Billy Kish ? During a fund-raiser to help build homes in Sri Lanka lost in the tsunami, Billy raised $630. He was the top fund-raiser at Daniel Axford Elementary.
Oxford Elementary:
Nicolas Kolean ? Nicolas and his siblings organized and maintained the first ever 100 percent fully organic garden at the OAYA children’s community garden at Scripter Park in the Village of Oxford.
Zoe Lewis ? For the last five years, Zoe has volunteered and worked alongside her mother, OAYA Board of Director Jennifer Lewis on many projects including the children’s community garden and haunted house fund-raiser.
Tim Denninger ? Tim helps Ms. Bartlo with small projects in the classroom almost every day after school. He also has helped out with the maintenance of the school courtyard.
Nick Feighner, Emily Taylor and Hope Wheeler ? These three students help their teacher set up for and clean up after science class. They also help care for the classroom pet, Precious, a ball python snake.
Meghan Gordon ? Meg helps Mr. Mangrove ready the classroom for the next day. She cleans, writes the morning letter, and assists the teacher with anything he needs done, saving him at least 30 minutes at school.
Everett Wilder ? Everett is known by his teacher and others around the school as always helpful, polite, trustworthy, friendly, eager to help and positive.
Nick Wright ? Nick has been a very big help to Ms. Bartlo and her class. He helps out many days during the week after school. He takes a lot of pride in helping with projects.
Lauren Moloney ? Lauren helps Ms. Bartlo every day after school. She works on small projects and have even helped to make the school courtyard more animal friendly by setting up and taking care of several bird feederd. She is a model volunteer.
Larissa Krueger ? Larissa spearheaded an idea to help a grieving community member. She suggested that the classroom send a deluge of sympathy cards to her since she’s a postal worker and had delivered mail to all of us for so many years.
Dominic Messina ? Dominic helps Mr. Mangune frequently after school. He helps him ready the room for the next day by cleaning the room and any other task put in front of him.
Lakeville Elementary:
Elizabeth Duncan ? Elizabeth has followed in her great uncle Sam Troutwine’s and her parents? footsteps by participating in many OAYA projects such as the Christmas float, haunted house fund-raiser and children’s community garden.
Oxford Middle School:
Ryan and Jessie Kolean ? Ryan, Jessie and their siblings single-handedly organized and maintained the first ever 100 percent fully organic garden at the OAYA children’s community garden at Scripter Park in the Village of Oxford.
Samantha Duncan ? Samantha takes after her namesake, great uncle Same Troutwine. Sam is a compassionate, caring young lady who has helped the OAYA in projects such as its Christmas float, children’s community garden and haunted house fund-raiser.
Oxford High School:
Cody Kovacic ? Cody continues to be an active volunteer at Clear Lake since he left four years ago. He is always very eager to help with any PTO sponsored events. He helps with various family nights and popcorn duty. This year he was the chairperson for the games at the spring fair.
Amanda Traylor ? Amanda is an extensive volunteer and has great church involvement.She is a student council representative, has tutored students in math and Spanish, sold bagels at church services for the youth group, has collected canned goods for FISH, and has been involved in many more activities.
Tom Peter ? Tom is always there ready to help. He has been with the band for four years and has spent countless hours tutoring underclassmen in math. In total, he has volunteered more than 100 hours to community service.
Jerred Pender ? Recently Jerred made an articulate plea to the Oxford board of education to reconsider cutting the golf program for next year, even though the decision would not impact him. His only motivation was that others reap the benefits and positive impact on their lives that he had received.
Kayla Kolean ? Kayla and her siblings single-handedly organized and maintained the first ever 100 percent fully organic garden at the Oxford Addison Youth Assistance children’s community garden at Scripter Park in the Village of Oxford.
Group Honors
Daniel Axford Elementary:
Aaron Bennett, Carly Butt, Drew Connelly, Tabitha Coutler, Jacob Cutler, Skye Donaldson, Dylan Grubb, Hunter Grubb, Nathan Harding, Payton Helmuth, Emmanuel Ibarra, Samantha Kammerer, Max King, Hunter Littman, Logan Mace, Hailee Malinowski, Allison Miller, Jackie Roberts, Adam Schlicht, Jared Tasch, Charmaine Vincentini, Ayren Weishuhn, Teddy Wick and Brogan Zochert ? Happiness comes in many forms. To the seniors of Hope Senior Apartments, it is when Mrs. Schultz brings her class for a visit. The students perform plays, say verses, sing and make a little gift for them. But most importantly is the bonding that takes place between students and seniors as they visit and interact.
Clear Lake Elementary:
Zach Aquino, Megan Ashley, Amanda Bauman, Danielle Black, Samantha Black, Anthony Boreo, Ashley Burr, Noah Cantara, Grant Carpenter, Logan Carpenter, Mitchell Carpenter, Bobby Carr, Alexandra Corrion, Sydney Estrada, Vito Giannola, Zachary Hadorn, Ashley Horoszko, Lindsay Keenist, Brooke Kovacic, Lindsey Leppek, Connor McGarry, Riley McGarry, Leah McLoskey, Justin Mezsets, Alex Moore, Reagan Moran, Meagan Neff, Claire Patrell, Eric Patrell, Salena Pritchett, Robby Ross, Kati Schlueter, Jimmy Shaw, Makala Sutherland, Zach Woloszyk, Ely Xiong, and Julie Zurlinden ? These students are members of Peacemakers, which focuses on peer mediation and also works on charitable and community projects such as adopting grandparents at working at the bingo games at Bortz Nursing Home, raising funds for K-9 Stray Rescue, maintaining the Pet Project Board, and working on bake sales.

Logan Carpenter, Emma Kimmel, Ryan Kitching, Miranda Kucemba, Shane Leitner, Benjamin Magdaleno, Alex Moore, Michael Morski, Megan Neff, Kati Schlueter, Alexis Straub and Jillian Walker ? These students have served Clear Lake this year as active Student Council representatives. They attended meetings regularly; presented, discussed and voted on new ideas; and communicated Student Council news to classmates. Leadership skills such as responsibility and fairness were also demonstrated.
Oxford Elementary:
Matt Beckstrom, Shelby Davis, Bianka Kristen, Josh Nelson, Marissa Wick and Cece Wonch ? These students served on the Student Council at Oxford Elementary.

Stephanie Bush, Sarah Davis, Bethany Hargraves, Timothy Haynes, Ali Highduchech, Erin Jarvis, Marisa Medina, Zach Raisch, Ryan Reason, Kala Seawright, Dan Stockard and Janelle Washington ? These students served as Peer Mediators. They are very positive students and kind to the other students. They did a great job as serving as role models and putting their problem-solving skills to work at solving disputes among students.
Lakeville Elementary:
Arin Bisaro, Ryan Myers, Kayla Cooper, Tiffany Tanascu, Derek Adams, Johana Brooks, Audrey Bockart, Samantha Hofer, Sally Guimon, Lucas Kasprzak, Brenden Redmon, Jessica Brasington, Jacob Pierzinski and Samantha Kasiukiewicz ? The Lakeville Student Tech Team meets every Tuesday during lunch and recess to work on projects using Microsoft and other programs, then bring this knowledge back to their classrooms where they assist classmates and teachers with what they learned. They help with troubleshooting on printer jams, headphones, speakers, etc. They also assisted with PowerPoint tips and help their classmates on writing projects.

Elizabeth Adams, Jessica Brasington, Amanda Halbert, Kaylie Kemmerer, Taylor Lamagna, Prescott Line, Kristen Malinowski, Rachel Moses, Molly Schultzi, Taylor Sims and Zane Taylor ? These students were great peer mediators. They took their roles very seriously. They were hard workers and very kind to others.

Kelsey Kadrich, Tristan Kraus, Ryan Myers, Alex Hesse, Alyssa Geissler, Elaina Medvedik, Haily Robinson and Madison Vogler ? These students serve as teacher helpers, helping students with questions on assignments and resolving issues with their problem-solving skills. The students are always willing to help clean the room and do extra favors for Ms. Cooley like taking attendance or lunch count.

Logan Kasprzak, Samantha Childress, Katelyn Ellis, Lyndsey Williams, Shelby Sarver, Kelsey Jones, Angela Savich, Thomas Carroll, Madison Line, Bethany Dewey, Kymber Nelson, Leea Rocker, Jessica Bingham, Bobby Desmarais, Samantha Kasiukiewicz, Nathan Williams and Stephan DeClercq ? These students served as Student Council members at Lakeville Elementary.

Kayla Cooper, Noah Stevens, Monika England, Abagail Wrobel, Jacob Pierzinski, Jordan Pieczynski, Billy Deeg, Prescott Line, Ashley McCreery, Ashley Ormsby, Hannah Albright, Kiley Black, Samantha Myers, Ashton Hulbert, Chris Malkiewicz, Cassie Edgemon, Johanna Brooks, Riley Hayes, Nathan Williams, Steven DeClercq, Amanda Halbert, Alex Vecchioni, Rebecca Slone, Kevin Ledger, Kayli Kammerer, Ryan Meyers, Curtis Wellhausen, Lucas Kasprzak and Danielle Smith ? These students served as Safety Patrol members, having assignmentseach day either before or after school with the primary function of ensuring the safety of children. They also raise and lower the school flag.
Leonard Elementary:
Victoria Baker, Anthony Bizzoto, Kylie Dombrowski, Jennifer Fifield, Chelsea Fritche, Brittany Harrison, Bradley Marsh, Wesley McBride, Ashleigh Nobili, David, Pearlman, Jessica Peck, Katie Reed, Rosie Sheppard, Katie Skyles, Jordan Trevion (Carlos), Maria Vitucci and Janelle Zuccaro ? These students dedicated their lunch hour to help students with conflicts as Peer Mediators.

children’s community garden and haunted house fund-raiser.
Oxford High School:
Cody Kovacic ? Cody continues to be an active volunteer at Clear Lake since he left four years ago. He is always very eager to help with any PTO sponsored events. He helps with various family nights and popcorn duty. This year he was the chairperson for the games at the spring fair.
Amanda Traylor ? Amanda is an extensive volunteer and has great church involvement.She is a student council representative, has tutored students in math and Spanish, sold bagels at church services for the youth group, has collected canned goods for FISH, and has been involved in many more activities.
Tom Peter ? Tom is always there ready to help. He has been with the band for four years and has spent countless hours tutoring underclassmen in math. In total, he has volunteered more than 100 hours to community service.
Jerred Pender ? Recently Jerred made an articulate plea to the Oxford board of education to reconsider cutting the golf program for next year, even though the decision would not impact him. His only motivation was that others reap the benefits and positive impact on their lives that he had received.
Kayla Kolean ? Kayla and her siblings single-handedly organized and maintained the first ever 100 percent fully organic garden at the Oxford Addison Youth Assistance
children’s community garden at Scripter Park in the Village of Oxford.
Group Honors
Daniel Axford Elementary:
Aaron Bennett, Carly Butt, Drew Connelly, Tabitha Coutler, Jacob Cutler, Skye Donaldson, Dylan Grubb, Hunter Grubb, Nathan Harding, Payton Helmuth, Emmanuel Ibarra, Samantha Kammerer, Max King, Hunter Littman, Logan Mace, Hailee Malinowski, Allison Miller, Jackie Roberts, Adam Schlicht, Jared Tasch, Charmaine Vincentini, Ayren Weishuhn, Teddy Wick and Brogan Zochert ? Happiness comes in many forms. To the seniors of Hope Senior Apartments, it is when Mrs. Schultz brings her class for a visit. The students perform plays, say verses, sing and make a little gift for them. But most importantly is the bonding that takes place between students and seniors as they visit and interact.
Clear Lake Elementary:
Zach Aquino, Megan Ashley, Amanda Bauman, Danielle Black, Samantha Black, Anthony Boreo, Ashley Burr, Noah Cantara, Grant Carpenter, Logan Carpenter, Mitchell Carpenter, Bobby Carr, Alexandra Corrion, Sydney Estrada, Vito Giannola, Zachary Hadorn, Ashley Horoszko, Lindsay Keenist, Brooke Kovacic, Lindsey Leppek, Connor McGarry, Riley McGarry, Leah McLoskey, Justin Mezsets, Alex Moore, Reagan Moran, Meagan Neff, Claire Patrell, Eric Patrell, Salena Pritchett, Robby Ross, Kati Schlueter, Jimmy Shaw, Makala Sutherland, Zach Woloszyk, Ely Xiong, and Julie Zurlinden ? These students are members of Peacemakers, which focuses on peer mediation and also works on charitable and community projects such as adopting grandparents at working at the bingo games at Bortz Nursing Home, raising funds for K-9 Stray Rescue, maintaining the Pet Project Board, and working on bake sales.

Logan Carpenter, Emma Kimmel, Ryan Kitching, Miranda Kucemba, Shane Leitner, Benjamin Magdaleno, Alex Moore, Michael Morski, Megan Neff, Kati Schlueter, Alexis Straub and Jillian Walker ? These students have served Clear Lake this year as active Student Council representatives. They attended meetings regularly; presented, discussed and voted on new ideas; and communicated Student Council news to classmates. Leadership skills such as responsibility and fairness were also demonstrated.
Oxford Elementary:
Matt Beckstrom, Shelby Davis, Bianka Kristen, Josh Nelson, Marissa Wick and Cece Wonch ? These students served on the Student Council at Oxford Elementary.

Stephanie Bush, Sarah Davis, Bethany Hargraves, Timothy Haynes, Ali Highduchech, Erin Jarvis, Marisa Medina, Zach Raisch, Ryan Reason, Kala Seawright, Dan Stockard and Janelle Washington ? These students served as Peer Mediators. They are very positive students and kind to the other students. They did a great job as serving as role models and putting their problem-solving skills to work at solving disputes among students.
Lakeville Elementary:
Arin Bisaro, Ryan Myers, Kayla Cooper, Tiffany Tanascu, Derek Adams, Johana Brooks, Audrey Bockart, Samantha Hofer, Sally Guimon, Lucas Kasprzak, Brenden Redmon, Jessica Brasington, Jacob Pierzinski and Samantha Kasiukiewicz ? The Lakeville Student Tech Team meets every Tuesday during lunch and recess to work on projects using Microsoft and other programs, then bring this knowledge back to their classrooms where they assist classmates and teachers with what they learned. They help with troubleshooting on printer jams, headphones, speakers, etc. They also assisted with PowerPoint tips and help their classmates on writing projects.

Elizabeth Adams, Jessica Brasington, Amanda Halbert, Kaylie Kemmerer, Taylor Lamagna, Prescott Line, Kristen Malinowski, Rachel Moses, Molly Schultzi, Taylor Sims and Zane Taylor ? These students were great peer mediators. They took their roles very seriously. They were hard workers and very kind to others.

Kelsey Kadrich, Tristan Kraus, Ryan Myers, Alex Hesse, Alyssa Geissler, Elaina Medvedik, Haily Robinson and Madison Vogler ? These students serve as teacher helpers, helping students with questions on assignments and resolving issues with their problem-solving skills. The students are always willing to help clean the room and do extra favors for Ms. Cooley like taking attendance or lunch count.

Logan Kasprzak, Samantha Childress, Katelyn Ellis, Lyndsey Williams, Shelby Sarver, Kelsey Jones, Angela Savich, Thomas Carroll, Madison Line, Bethany Dewey, Kymber Nelson, Leea Rocker, Jessica Bingham, Bobby Desmarais, Samantha Kasiukiewicz, Nathan Williams and Stephan DeClercq ? These students served as Student Council members at Lakeville Elementary.

Kayla Cooper, Noah Stevens, Monika England, Abagail Wrobel, Jacob Pierzinski, Jordan Pieczynski, Billy Deeg, Prescott Line, Ashley McCreery, Ashley Ormsby, Hannah Albright, Kiley Black, Samantha Myers, Ashton Hulbert, Chris Malkiewicz, Cassie Edgemon, Johanna Brooks, Riley Hayes, Nathan Williams, Steven DeClercq, Amanda Halbert, Alex Vecchioni, Rebecca Slone, Kevin Ledger, Kayli Kammerer, Ryan Meyers, Curtis Wellhausen, Lucas Kasprzak and Danielle Smith ? These students served as Safety Patrol members, having assignmentseach day either before or after school with the primary function of ensuring the safety of children. They also raise and lower the school flag.
Leonard Elementary:
Victoria Baker, Anthony Bizzoto, Kylie Dombrowski, Jennifer Fifield, Chelsea Fritche, Brittany Harrison, Bradley Marsh, Wesley McBride, Ashleigh Nobili, David, Pearlman, Jessica Peck, Katie Reed, Rosie Sheppard, Katie Skyles, Jordan Trevion (Carlos), Maria Vitucci and Janelle Zuccaro ? These students dedicated their lunch hour to help students with conflicts as Peer Mediators.

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