What do frogs and bicyclists have in common?

So, I finally started reading the book, A Walk In The Woods, by Bill Bryson. Folks have been after me to read it for years . . . well, since 1998 when it was first published. The book is about Bryson’s (a travel writer) trek along the 2,000-some-odd miles of the Appalachian Trail. I like […]

The weather outside is frightful, but . . .

By the time this is read the holiday season will have officially kicked off. The Detroit Lions will have played in yet another Thanksgiving Day ‘classic? (as defined by professional football promoters, not the general viewing public) football game. Turkey left overs will be fried, ground, slabbed, stabbed, cut, sliced and diced in any number […]

Bicyclists and frogs, get out the way, 2

Before we get to the column, if you click onto this website, http://www.moviemole.com/jillsshow-1/interviews/don/index.html * * * The more things change, so the saying goes, the more they stay the same. And, these days, gol-durned-it, things are changing all around us. There are tea parties, coffee parties, spandex parties and parties where women go to buy […]

Frogs, bikes and cars . . .

Holy I-Got-A-Blister-On-Me-Bum, Batman! Letters and emails keep coming in about bicyclists and their rights . . . I should have known better than to try and buck the Spandex Revolution, yet something had to be said. Whilst I cannot spend any more print space on the matter I waster cyber space. So, here are some […]

Gas prices — is there a method to the mess?

Before we get to the column, if you click onto this website, http://www.moviemole.com/jillsshow-1/interviews/don/index.html * * * Once upon a time I was content to merely moan and groan about the ever-increasing cost of gasoline. ‘Oh woe is me!? ‘Dang those evil profiteers!? It is easy to write about the rising costs of anything. It is […]

Newsflash: Parents are to blame!

As the man part of a man and woman (wife-husband) team, raising two strappin? young lads, I was interested in reading: Parents are truant — student achievement at risk. In a press release from the ‘Your Child? coalition, I read: ‘One in four parents in the Great Lakes region don’t make time to get involved […]

Gas prices — is there a method to the mess?

Once upon a time I was content to merely moan and groan about the ever-increasing cost of gasoline. ‘Oh woe is me!? ‘Dang those evil profiteers!? It is easy to write about the rising costs of anything. It is even easier to point a finger and blame said rising cost on a particular person or […]

Texting ban is the ‘fuzzy dice? of modern law

So, by the time this column “hits” the streets, 21 days will have come and gone since the brainiacs in Lansing passed a law banning the practice of texting, “while operating a motor vehicle that is moving on a highway or street in this state.” Ever the pain in the posterior, before 8 a.m. this […]

I’m still seeing green

As I write, I can see green spots. Let me stop you right there . . . no, the green spots are not related to pink elephants. But, now that I have your curiosity piqued, let me continue. As a modern man (notice I did not say metro-sexual man, which is another type of modern […]

A little ‘I love you? goes a long way

Sometimes it is the little things that can make a person smile for a long time. The other day I got one of those great gifts from our little four year old son, Sean. I sat down with him on the floor to play a video game (I believe the name of the game to […]