Yikes. After being less-than-energetic for over 40 days and nights (Thank you, stupid COVID-19 vacation), this past Saturday was a rude awakening for this old body. My body was shocked when, during a beautiful day that was Saturday — sunny, blue skied and near 70 degrees — I decided to do yard work. The wood […]
Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and write a Don’t Rush Me column. I penned the last on Monday, March 31 — a couple of days after I was officially laid off from work. Forty-one days. This was basically the first time in my life in which I wasn’t […]
Stupid Coronavirus. It’s kinda’ put a damper on having fun. Since the beginning of 2020, I had planned on this column, to be published on April 1. I had a plan to quote the township supervisor on some sort of prank story. Running through my head were stories on Michigan locating a prison in town, […]
It’s nice to know during the situation we all find ourselves in, that somethings can still be counted on. One, most folks are good folks. Living in a smaller community is a choice, and usually a good one because of neighbors helping neighbors. Be one of those good neighbors. Two, I am gonna’ get e-mails […]
Coronavirus. COVID-19. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. COVID-19. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus .COVID-19. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. COVID-19. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Coronavirus. COVID-19. Coronavirus, and Coronavirus. There. Glad I got that out of my system. Holy moly. Never thought I would see the likes of this little virus, or more accurately, I never thought I would […]
I know this country is divided. And, I know there is a small group who like to yell and scream and make others miserable. Heck, it’s an election year. So, to combat coronavirus madness and general negativity, I will try to spread some magical fairy dust this week. Think about it, March is a time […]
Que the pipers! Let me hear the heart-stirring rat-a-tat-tat of the drums. Where’s my goshed-darned soapbox? My friends, Americans and countrymen, lend me your ears now, while the womenfolks are off doing whatever womenfolks do. Men, the time of putting up or shuttin’ up is upon us. Yes, it’s time. It’s March and I ask […]
You would be amazed — or maybe not — on the amount of times I hear this comment, or one just like it: “You still work at a newspaper?” That comment is usually spoken in a solemn, apologetic manner, like the speaker wanted to console me on the loss of something near and dear to […]
Captain’s Log, Stardate 19-02-2020: I’ve never trusted Klingons, and I never will. Other than that, I awoke (as opposed to being “woke”) from my slumber a few minutes of five to a clear, dark sky with twinkling stars and a quarter moon shining. First thing I heard on the National Public Radio news was about […]
In case you didn’t know one of the things I do is co-host a local business networking group. We — Mark Kelly of MPK Photo and I — call it the ever-lovin’ Clarkston Coffee Club. You can find out more about this small business group by visiting our webpage ClarkstonCoffeeClub.com. But that is not what […]