Yup, it’s kinda, almost relatively summerish

Yup, it’s kinda, almost relatively summerish

Real hard to believe it’s the middle of June and we in these parts have had — what — 2.3 days of sun? On Father’s Day I joked with sons Shamus and Sean that Michigan is becoming the new Temperate Rain-forest in North America — taking over for the state of Washington. They were less […]

And, readers respond to dandelions

And, readers respond to dandelions

So, let me see . . . about two weeks ago I penned a gem of a Don’t Rush Me column (if I do say so, myself, and I do) about dandelions. I shared my feelings on my lack of enthusiasm and or determination in mowing the dandelions in my yard. (Okay, maybe I was […]

So, you wanna’ be a reporter . . .

So, you wanna’ be a reporter . . .

I know to some this may be a scary proposition, but yup, sometimes I get to “teach” younger people. Through working at this newspaper for (GULP) over 34 years, I have been able to help folks hone their newspapering skills — reportin’, writin’, ad designin’ and page layout. Every once in a while and outta’ […]

Hey! Back off! My dandelions have a purpose!

Hey! Back off! My dandelions have a purpose!

For those of us who had a long, three day weekend, summer sorta’ took hold. I hope you all spent at least a little time reflecting on Memorial Day and its meaning. To those who had to work, law enforcement, safety and health folks, and those who worked, I tip my hat. Me, I did […]

Use chemical warfare, high-tech to fight moles?

Use chemical warfare, high-tech to fight moles?

Ah, spring is in the air! (Relatively speaking — if you consider it’s the middle of May and pretty gosh-darned gloomy, it is still spring.) And, for me, with spring comes a new awakened sense of smell. All through the bitter winter my sense of smell goes to Tahiti or somewhere. Where ever it goes, […]

I can’t stop thinkin’ about Moles, Moles, Moles!

I can’t stop thinkin’ about Moles, Moles, Moles!

A long, long time ago, in a yard not far enough away, the grass grew green and lush; worms and grubs lived in peace. Life was good for many a moon. Then I bought the property. The forces of darkness marshaled their forces. And Mole Wars began. “Oh, Obi Wan, where are you?” Worms and […]

Naked Gardening and ‘Success’

Naked Gardening and ‘Success’

Hey all you outdoor enthusiasts, get ready to gird your loins this weekend. Marked on my calendar a few months ago (a reader didn’t want me to forget) was this: Saturday, May 4 is World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD). How could I have forgotten that? (Maybe I tried to?) At any rate, for those interested, […]

Why I give a damn — newspapers

Why I give a damn — newspapers

You would be amazed — or maybe not — on the amount of times I hear this comment, or one just like it: “You still work at a newspaper?” That comment is usually spoken in a solemn, apologetic manner, like the speaker wanted to console me on the loss of something near and dear to […]

License panhandlers & more #16toVote

License panhandlers & more #16toVote

As the cold weather gives way to warm, gentle breezes of spring, and if you’re planning on leaving the ruralness of our communities for a metropolitan area, chances are you’ll be hit up for a few bucks. People in tattered clothing, sad faces and dirty hands will ask you to “help” them. Rightly or wrongly, […]

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