Peanut Gallery (that would be you) to the rescue!

So, Monday night I was lulled to sleep by the soundtrack, dialogue and carnage that is that cinematic masterpiece Killer Klowns From Outer Space, and somewhere between evil Klown snickering and screams, just before my brain turned off, I thought, “Rats. I didn’t write that column . . .” * * * Good morning, happy […]

July 4 thought: All good Americans should whine

It’s Monday morning. I’ve gotten to the office an hour early. It’s 7 a.m. I opened up the shop, turned the lights on, made the week’s first pot of coffee. This is a good part of my Monday routine. Silence. No one here to ask questions, look for solutions to problems; nobody in need of […]

So, a snake fell on your feet and . . .

I know, I know. Many, dare I say most, of you think of me as this manly mans man kinda guy. If I had another name it might be Guy Man. Alas, I don’t have another name. I am just plain old, ever-lovin’ and affable Don Rush. Hate to break it to you, but I […]

Dad to me: ‘Always keep your head up.’

The other day I was walking in a local parking lot and I saw a dirty old, patina’ed penny. It was dinged up pretty good, so I reckon it had been run over a few times. Despite the fact President Lincoln’s face was turned down, I bent over and picked it up and slid it […]

A note to all recent grads: SMILE, damnit!

By Don Rush I think by now most area students who are one of the Class of 2016 have completed their graduation ceremonies. With pomp and circumstance you walked down the aisle with robe and cap. You pushed your tassels from right to left. You have graduated. Yay! Woo-hoo and congratulations! As I told Number […]

Don’t Rush Me: Midwifery is her lifery

By Don Rush I have a great job. I find most people interesting. I mean, we all have our stories, our pasts, our dreams and everything when mixed together makes us uniquely interesting. And, then there are some folks I find intriguing. One such person is Clarkston’s Wendy Pinter, 41. Pinter, mom to three, United […]

In a courtyard with kids, remembering

By Don Rush Last week, before most Memorial Day remembrances had yet to take place, I had the chance to skip down memory lane and get a glimpse of the future. I visited Clarkston Junior High School. The school, back a few years ago was Clarkston High School where I and countless others roamed the […]

Poetry, like beauty, can be found anywhere

Poetry, like beauty, can be found anywhere

By Don Rush There is moocho-grand-ay (thank you god of phonetic spelling) angst, and turmoil in the world these days. Heck, you only have to read, listen or watch any media outlet to find the all the pain and suffering you need to sustain your desire to be sad. But, really, hasn’t there always been […]

Poetry, like beauty, can be found anywhere

Poetry, like beauty, can be found anywhere

By Don Rush There is moocho-grand-ay (thank you god of phonetic spelling) angst, and turmoil in the world these days. Heck, you only have to read, listen or watch any media outlet to find the all the pain and suffering you need to sustain your desire to be sad. But, really, hasn’t there always been […]