This is our 79th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw an increase in recent and total cases and COVID-related deaths. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 3,146 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 3,233. Recent cases, which “… are the […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Come one, come all down to Upland Hill Farms this month for the 61st annual Harvest Festival. Held every Saturday and Sunday in October from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Harvest Festival opens up the farm for all to see. “We have farm shows where Farmer Nate talks […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will be spraying for two invasive plants this October. The two plants, phragmites and knotweed, are targeted due to the danger they pose for road users. “Both of them are problematic from our point of view for a couple of reasons,” Craig […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Only Addison Township voters in Precinct 3 will have two ballot proposals to consider at the Nov. 2 election. Both are for Romeo Community Schools, whose boundaries include Precinct 3 in the southeast corner of Addison. The proposals are for a school improvement bond and a non-homestead operating millage […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Michael Young, chairman of the Oxford Township Planning Commission, is retiring from the commission on Nov. 1. Announced by Township Supervisor Jack Curtis at the end of the Sept. 22 Board of Trustees budgeting meeting, Young will be moving down to South Carolina to be with his daughter as […]
Oxford artist forges kinetic sculptures By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer A pile of leaves, a flock of butterflies, a field of stars all twirl steadily, silent in the garden. Welcome to Dances With Wind Studio where Peter Griz displays 40 or so of his unique kinetic sculptures at his home in northwest Oxford Township. […]
This is our 78th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw an increase in recent and total cases and COVID-related deaths. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 3,054 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 3,146. Recent cases, which “… are the […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer The Oxford Township Election Commission performed a public accuracy test on Friday, Sept. 24 of the ballot tabulators to be used in the Nov. 2 special election. With the upcoming election having only one item to vote on — the Oxford Public Library capital improvement and expansion bond — […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Classmates and clients of Canine Academy’s “Great Dogs” program took to the Polly Ann Trail the other Tuesday evening for an enhanced training experience. “‘Great Dogs in Action’ outings … are offered to our advanced students and their dogs to attend group outings where we train in public settings,” […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Lakeville Cemetery will soon have a columbarium – a filing-cabinet-style mausoleum with 480 niches for storing funeral urns. The Addison Township Board voted to approve a quote for five columbarium units for a total of $166,690 from Sunset Memorial and Stone Ltd. based in Calgary, Canada. The company installed […]