Weekly COVID Update

Weekly COVID Update

In our 56th week of reporting local COVID numbers, our area again saw an increase in total cases. However new cases, over last week, dropped. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 2,351 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 2,458. Recent cases, which “… […]

Budget workshop for schools

The Oxford Board of Education will have a public hearing to discuss the district’s 2021-2022 budget, next week. According to a public notice running in this week’s Leader (see Page 9), the meeting is this coming Tuesday night in the Media Center at Oxford Middle School. The workshop starts at 6:30. The notice states, “The […]

Majestic new Oxford assistant fire chief

Majestic new Oxford assistant fire chief

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Meet Oxford Fire Department’s new assistant chief: Matthew Majestic. The Oxford Township Board approved his hire at its April 14 meeting, in a 5-0 vote. “I’m excited to come out there,” he told the township. “I’m hoping that I can be an asset from Day One.” April 19 was […]

$10k grant will bring community garden to Oxford Township park

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Green thumbs up for the Four County Community Foundation (4CCF) and C.J. Carnacchio, Oxford Township’s grants manager. The Almont-based 4CCF has awarded a $10,000 grant to the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department to establish a community garden and greenhouse in Seymour Lake Township Park. The 10,000-square-foot community garden […]

Sudents launch videoconferencing tutorials

Sudents launch videoconferencing tutorials

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Zoom. Skype. FaceTime. Facebook Messenger. All these videoconferencing applications can be hard to keep straight, let alone know how to use. Martha Wolf, a junior at Oxford High School and member of the National Honor Society, recognized these programs can be overwhelming to learn. In an effort to serve […]

Oxford’s Academic Achiever: Ashley Murphy

Oxford’s Academic Achiever: Ashley Murphy

Ashley Murphy Parents: Greg and Sanae Murphy GPA: 4.176         Favorite Subject: Math Plans after graduation: I plan on attending Emory University where my intended major is Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology on the pre-med track. Extracurricular Activities: Co-captain of Girl’s Varsity Tennis, SEED club, HOSA, and Marching Band. Outside Interests and Hobbies: Playing […]

Oxford wins a pair, drops a few

Oxford wins a pair, drops a few

By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Bringing their 2021 record to 12-5 (3-3 Oakland Activities Association Red Division), the Oxford Wildcats baseball program won two of their five games played from April 26-to-May 1. The week’s action began with a home doubleheader on April 26 against the rival Lake Orion Dragons, representing their second league […]

Barrows verbally commits to Michigan Tech

Barrows verbally commits to Michigan Tech

By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Having outscored their opponents by a 37-9 margin, the Oxford Wildcats girls’ soccer program is off to a 6-2 (2-1 Oakland Activities Association White Division) start. Surrendering just 1.12 goals per game as a team, one of the Wildcats’ standout players has been junior goaltender Brianna Barrows. Recognized by […]

Person of interest caught, April stats

Looks like it took a week for the long arm of the law to find its perpetrator. Last Tuesday, Oxford Village Police reported Burdick Street Landscape had been broken into sometime between the hours of 12:30 and 1:15 a.m. A window was broken and several Stihl brand landscaping tools were reported stolen. The department posted […]

Poppies for Vets

Poppies for Vets

American Legion Walter Fraser Post 108 handed out poppies for donations over the weekend at intersections throughout town. Pictured is Jim Parkhurst, a longtime member of Post 108 and veteran of the U.S. Army, selling the red remembrance poppies at W. Burdick and Washington St. on Saturday morning. The handmade paper flowers were made by […]