The annual Jack-o-Lantern Jamboree continued this year as a unique drive-thru trick-or-treating experience hosted by the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department at Seymour Lake Twp. Park on the evening of October 19. Staying in their vehicles, families in costumes followed the trick-or-treat trail to collect trinkets, treats and a pumpkin from the Great Pumpkin […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Families will have a limited time frame for students to transfer between in-person and virtual learning for the spring semester at Oxford Schools. Whether families wish to transfer from an in-person school to Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA) or the other way around, parents must submit transfer requests to the […]
While there wasn’t a parade. While there wasn’t a packed-with-fans Wildcat Stadium. While the home team didn’t win, there was still pomp and circumstance in Oxford last Friday night. And, why not? It was Homecoming 2020. Last week, Oxford High School students voted to fill out the 2020 Homecoming Court. The court included: Freshmen: Holden […]
By Leader Staff Writers James Hanlon and Teddy Rydquist Voters who have not mailed in or dropped off ther ballots from the villages of Oxford and Leonard and from the townships of Addison and Oxford, will head the the polls starting 7 a.m., Tuesday, November 3. Here’s a quick rundown of what the locals are […]
By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer In the final contest of the abbreviated six-game regular season, Oxford fell to the Southfield A&T Warriors, 21-0, on October 23 at Wildcat Stadium to finish their regular season at 2-4 (1-3 Oakland Activities Association Red Division). Doubling as Homecoming and the annual Senior Night, each of the program’s […]
Leonard Elementary School students in 3rd through 5th grade participated in the 2020-2021 Student Council Election, last Friday. Their voices were heard as they expressed their choice in leadership. According to Student Council Advisors Chelsea Schlak and Jen Coggins, Student Council candidates spent the week campaigning by hanging posters throughout the school and participating in […]
Ever wonder how evidence-based drawings and three-dimensional reconstructions aid in the investigation of unidentified remains, the apprehension of suspects, and the resolution of missing person cases? Sign up for Oxford Public Library’s online “event” with Michigan State Police Forensic Artist Lt. Sarah Krebs. This free virtual program is next Wednesday, Nov. 4, starting at 6 […]
Shared property line A verbal argument between two Lake Villa Mobile Home Park neighbors escalated into a loaded handgun being pulled at 12:10 a.m. on Oct. 26. The callers, Humphrey Drive residents, were sitting and talking on their front porch, where they were admittedly “a little loud.” Shortly after the couple retreated inside, their Maynard […]
In our 29th week of reporting local COVID numbers, our area saw an uptick in recent cases, and in total cases. According to numbers provided by Oakland County, last we reported there were a total of 239 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 255. Recent cases increased from 50 to 54. The number […]
All over town there are signs of fall and Halloween — lights, scarecrows, jack-o-lanterns and spooky decorations. Pictured is Norman, the newest member of the Oxford Village DPW. Photo by J. Hanlon