Meal program resumes

Immanuel Congregational Church has resumed distribution of meals to the community on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Meals will be prepared “box luncheon” style and will be handed out through car windows in the church parking lot. There is no cost for this service and no identification is required. Immanuel’s Tuesday Night Community […]

Absentee ballots

Both Oxford, Addison townships see large increases By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer The Voting Policies in State Constitution Initiative, also known as Proposal 3, was approved on November 6, 2018, receiving a “yes” from nearly 67-percent of registered Michigan voters. Among the eight policies this proposal added to the Michigan Constitution was no-excuse absentee […]

Truck vs. Pole: Pole down, power out

Truck vs. Pole: Pole down, power out

By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Beginning at 10:30 a.m., last Thursday (July 16), motorists near the area of W. Drahner and Pontiac roads were inconvenienced by road closures and many residents living in the proximity suffered a loss of power for several hours. These issues were the result of a flatbed semi-truck attempting an […]

Weekly COVID updates: local death #s haven’t grown in 2 months

Each week since April 13, The Leader has reported our community’s COVID-19 statistics as shared by Oakland County. The County provides a breakdown of how the virus has touched us all by ZIP code. We concenrate on three local ZIPs: 48367 (Leonard and eastern Addison Township); 48370, the western side of Addison; and 48371, Oxford […]

Oxford 7 under new ownership

Oxford 7 under new ownership

Wants to open next month By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Like most movie theaters these days, the posters outside the Oxford 7 in downtown haven’t changed in four months. But it’s not just because of the pandemic. Goodrich Quality Theaters, Inc. (GQT) the Kentwood/Grand Rapids regional chain that owned Oxford 7, filed for Chapter […]

Scout to earn Eagle after restoring rustic cabin

Scout to earn Eagle after restoring rustic cabin

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer An old cabin in north Addison Township had fallen into disrepair, until Life Scout Brian Kostick of Troop 366 fixed it up for his Eagle service project last fall. “It was really beat up, it had critters living in it, it had all sorts of stuff wrong with it, […]

Township receives positive fiscal report

For fiscal year ending 2019 By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer During their regular monthly meeting on July 8, the Oxford Township Board of Trustees and community members were given a thorough review of the township’s financial activity for the year ending December 31, 2019. Plymouth-based PSLZ, LLP performed the audit and Rana Emmons, a […]

Road Commission eyes rebuilding Maloney Bridge

Road Commission eyes rebuilding Maloney Bridge

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Some preliminary engineering work is being conducted on a small, aging bridge that divides Clear Lake and Long Lake in Oxford Township. The Oakland County Road Commission approved a preliminary engineering services agreement with Livonia-based Orchard, Hiltz and McCliment engineering firm for the Maloney Street Bridge at a May […]

MHSAA to proceed with fall sports as scheduled

By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Announced via an 11 a.m. press release last Friday, the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) will begin fall sports for the 2020-21 academic year as scheduled, with contingency plans in place due to fears about the possible spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Locally, Oxford High School has eight […]

Addison Township Primary Election 2020

1 runs for Supervisor Republican Bruce Pearson, 67 has been supervisor since 2008. “I was a deputy sheriff before that and used to patrol out here since 1979. I built a new house here about 21 years ago, over by Noble Road, I have a little farm up there.” What is your primary concern in […]