School district’s operating millage proposal fails by 61 votes

Sixty-one votes could end up costing the Oxford school district $5 million per year. The district suffered a narrow defeat at the ballot box in the Aug. 2 primary election. Oxford’s request for a 10-year, 18.4442-mill operating tax on all non-homestead property in the district beginning in July 2017 failed 1,984 to 1,923. The proposal […]

Four newcomers win primary races for trustee seats in Oxford, Addison

It appears four new faces will be joining the township boards in Oxford and Addison this November. Based on the unofficial results from Oakland County, newcomers Margaret Payne and Elgin Nichols won the Republican primary race for trustee seats on the Oxford Township Board. Payne received 1,451 votes, while Nichols garnered 1,222 votes. Payne worked […]

Legacy owner seeks variance for signs

Christian Mills, owner of the Legacy Center, didn’t ask permission to paint signs all over his 208,000-square-foot building, located at 925 N. Lapeer Rd., so now, he must seek forgiveness from Oxford Township’s Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). Mills is scheduled to go before the ZBA on Monday, Aug. 15 to request a variance to […]

Bond refunding expected to save school taxpayers $7M

Oxford school district taxpayers can expect to save nearly $7 million in debt interest after the board of education voted 5-0 to approve a refunding bond resolution on July 26. The bonds refunded the district’s outstanding 2006 Refunding Bonds and the district’s 2010 School Building and Site Bonds, Series A. This resolution authorized the sale […]

Artistic masterpieces pop up around town

Priceless masterpieces from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) are currently on display in various locations in Oxford Township and Village. No, they weren’t stolen from the museum or auctioned off to pay some city debts. They’re actually reproductions of famous paintings that were brought here last week as part of the DIA’s Inside/Out program. […]

Davissons celebrate 60 years of wedded bliss

“In sickness and in health.” Those are the vows Randy and Mary Ellen Davisson, of Oxford, take to heart as they celebrate their 60th year of wedded bliss. The couple met locally during their teen years. According to the pair, the beginning of their story was anything but “love at first sight.” Randy recalled splashing […]

Incomplete affidavit leaves Kennis off ballot

Tom Kennis is no stranger to being a write-in candidate for public office. And if he wants an opportunity to remain on the Oxford Village Council this year, he’ll have to be one again. Last week was the filing deadline for the council race in November and, according to township Deputy Clerk Susan McCullough, the […]

Polly Ann Trail to host Bicycle Bash Aug. 27

Family, fun and fitness will converge on Saturday, Aug. 27 at the Polly Ann Trail Bicycle Bash, hosted by the Polly Ann Trail Management Council, from 8:15 to 11:45 a.m. at Lakeville Elementary School (1400 E. Lakeville Rd.). This “Bike Rodeo and Scavenger Hunt” will take place in two parts. The first part of the […]

Scout building baseball diamond as Eagle project

Joshua Schoenherr, Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout candidate with Troop 256 of Leonard, is partnering with Addison Township officials to rebuild the baseball diamond located behind the Addison Township Hall in Lakeville. As of the date of this article, there stands a lone, rusted backstop net in an overgrown field. Schoenherr, an entering sophomore […]

Scheduling changes for the Lone Ranger Festival

After our special 12-page section for the Lone Ranger Parade and Festival went to press on Thursday, July 28, the Leader received changes to the information given to us regarding certain events and activities. Here they are: n Ronald McDonald’s magic show for the kiddies will take place at 10 a.m. in downtown’s Centennial Park. […]