Editorial: Support your local cops

With all the craziness and tragedy happening across the country right now – violent protests, riots, police officers being threatened, targeted and killed, etc. – we think it’s a good time for Oxford and Addison residents to show just how much they support their local law enforcement personnel. The next time you encounter an Oakland […]

Addison officials pass resolution opposing mass transit millage

Addison Township officials took a stand against the proposed regional mass transit tax at their June 20 meeting. The township passed a resolution 7-0 to oppose a mass transit tax recently proposed by the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) of Southeast Michigan. The RTA is proposing a 20-year, 1.2-mill property tax, which is expected to be […]

Community worship service July 17

Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ will hold a community worship service in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park on Sunday, July 17 from 11 a.m. to noon. All are welcome. The theme is “A Call for Justice and Peace.” The service will include special music, prayer and children’s activities. An ice cream social will follow. For […]

Hey Betsy! Whatcha sewing?

Hey Betsy! Whatcha sewing?

  On Saturday, Betsy Ross, the 18th-century woman folklore credits with making the first American flag, was spotted cruising around Addison Township’s Lakeville Lake in a canoe with Old Glory fluttering in the breeze. Actually, it was Kelly Jones, of New York City, dressed up as the legendary figure. Driving the canoe was her father, […]

Hunt club land sold to foster care org.

A significant chunk of property in northeastern Oxford Township changed hands on June 29 and the new owners plan to use it to help and house foster youth. The Detroit-based House of Providence purchased the 118-acre Hunters Ridge Hunt Club property, located at 3921 Barber Rd., near E. Davison Lake Rd., for $800,000, according to […]

Dispatch delay made no difference in fire, chief says

Human error on the part of the Oakland County Sheriff’s dispatch center caused a 44-second delay in alerting the Oxford Fire Department to a June 23 house fire on 77 S. Glaspie St. in the village. When asked if this delay hindered his department in this case or affected the outcome – the house was […]

Dry weather leads to ban on open burning, personal fireworks

Until further notice, all types of open burning and the use of any and all personal fireworks is strictly prohibited in Oxford Township and Village by order of Fire Chief Pete Scholz. He enacted the ban on June 29 as result of all the hot, extremely dry weather the area has been experiencing since early […]

Storytime with Bruce

Addison Township Supervisor Bruce Pearson visited the public library on June 29 to read to local children. Only one showed up for the event, Max Bican, a second-grader at Leonard Elementary, but he sure was an attentive listener and a most-appreciative audience. Pearson read a book entitled “Vote for Me!” The story consisted of an […]