Oxford’s Academic Achiever: Sophie Boglaev

Oxford’s Academic Achiever: Sophie Boglaev

Sophie Boglaev Parents: Kara and Alex Boglaev GPA: 4.089 Favorite Subject: Chemistry Plans after graduation: Undecided on college but planning on majoring in biochemistry, and continuing on to pharmaceutical development. Extracurricular Activities: Marching band, ballet Outside Interests and Hobbies: Baking, reading, playing french horn What did you learn about yourself during lockdown: I like having […]

Women’s Club scholarships available to Oxford students

The Oxford Women’s Club announced their 2021 Scholarship program for graduating Oxford students (both female and male). Winners will be awarded a minimum of $1,000 each. Students must live within the Oxford School District or attend an Oxford area school. Students need only a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale to be eligible. Scholarships are […]

Oxford’s Academic Achievers: Stephanie Gilling

Stephanie Gilling Parents: Donna and Stephen Gilling GPA: 4.157 Favorite Subject: Wind ensemble and all things band Plans after graduation: Research how to improve educational techniques for kids with learning challenges by studying as a psychology major. Extracurricular Activities: The spring musical and fall play, marching band, cross country, SEED Club, and golf. Outside Interests […]

School Board selects officers, district administrators promoted

School Board selects officers, district administrators promoted

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Community Schools’ Board of Education was content with its existing leadership, as it unanimously voted to re-appoint all officers to the same positions for the 2021 calendar year at the Jan. 12 board meeting. Tom Donnelly was re-appointed president, Chad Griffith vice president, Heather Shaffer secretary, Korey Bailey […]

VFW Auxiliary kicks off Patriotic Art Scholarship Contest

Local students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to compete for $31,500 in national scholarships through the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary’s annual Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. Students must submit an original two- or three-dimensional piece of artwork. Digital art, photography and jewelry are not accepted. The entry must have been completed during […]

Athlete of the Week: Nick Soukup – Boys’ Lacrosse

Athlete of the Week: Nick Soukup – Boys’ Lacrosse

Nick Soukup – Boys’ Lacrosse “Nick has played 4 years as an attack on Varsity. He will lead our Offense in the 2021 season. Nick has been a player who leads by example with endless hard work and effort. I am Very proud of Nick and this accomplishment and I am looking forward to seeing […]

Staying active

By Amanda Wayne Leader Student Contributor The global pandemic has affected every one of us from babies to the elderly. Since people can’t or don’t want to go to gyms, malls, waterparks and restaurants, they have to find new things to do to stay occupied. A new hobby can keep you sane; going for a […]

Athlete of the Week: Tony Verbeke

Athlete of the Week: Tony Verbeke

Tony Verbeke – Boys’ Bowling Tony has been on Varsity for two years and part of the program since middle school. He has a lifetime bowling average on Varsity over 200 with a 80 % spare mark. He just recently signed his letter of intent to attend Rochester University. “Tony Verbeke is a great young […]

College Applications in the COVID-era

College Applications in the COVID-era

By Lauren Schiller Leader Student Contributor Each fall, high school seniors spend hours crafting the perfect college essay, take and retake the SAT and ACT, and buff up their extracurricular list, all to secure a spot at their dream college. This year, though, there’s a catch: COVID, which has wormed its way into almost every […]

Can they fill the bus?

Oxford Community Schools is hosting a friendly competitive can drive to come together and care for the community during COVID. Based on the premise that “nothing connects us more than when we come together to help out those who are most in need,” Oxford mentorship students have created a community-wide can drive to benefit FISH […]

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