Yeah. I like to think of myself as this stoic, unmovable rock — someone folks can rely on for common sense, strength and security. Mr. Consistency. I project this image as the unchanging sage, and yet I looked inward and saw it’s all an illusion. I’m a smackin’ frackin’ mockery of that strong rock. Like […]
I was pondering a thought the other day, and like most days when I ponder thoughts I got distracted. Like the famed dog who is calm and all lovey-dovey until a squirrel is seen out the window, when I am in deep, intellectual thought, introspection or reflection, something will zip across my thought-scape and everything […]
Baseball. For the past few months a thought has been bouncing around inside my noggin’ like a game of pepper before a game . . . baseball . . . . . baseball . . . hardball . . . curveball . . . it ain’t over . . . fat lady singing . . […]
This whole Critical Race Theory (CRT) seems to be a spectacle in the making — a mud-slinging contest which could go on for years. So, why talk about it now? Why get bent out of shape for something “they” say “isn’t” taught in elementary and secondary schools? Why? It came to me the other evening, […]
As slow as 2020 seemed to be, 2021 is humming along unnaturally fast . . . yeah, I know, I know: time is time and it’s set at one speed. Figuratively, however, I gotta’ say the year is whipping by, especially the last few weeks. Working for the newspaper here kinda’ keeps me feeling young […]
You know, I really hate it when so-called “friends” mockingly remind you of what you should have done to prevent some catastrophe or another from happening. Yup, not a fan of the old’ wink-wink, “you know if only you woulda’ (fill in the blank), you woulda’ gotten away scot-free without a scratch.” Whatever . . […]
It sounded like the right thing to do — I mean, all the cool kids are doing it. And, as a super-hip, mod, groovy and sick individual I think it is my duty to follow the herd, to swim upstream with the salmon to their death, to boldly go where everyone else has already trodden. […]
These days we seem to be an angry people, you see it every day. It’s easy to let frustrations spill out. So, sometimes it’s good to have something give you the figurative slap on the back of the head to get your thoughts straight. It was a great cosmic confluence of time and events which […]
I actually had a good time sweating last Wednesday. Remember ing the day, it was in the 90s, muggy and humid. I actually wilted a little bit while a smiling blonde dynamo, a whirling dervish . . . a big straw-hat wearing spitfire showed me around what was once the Baylis horse farm on M-15 […]
Okay, all you moms and kids out there, listen up. I am giving you ample time to get this correct this year. Father’s Day 2021 is two Sundays away. To make this the most successful Father’s Day in the annals of history — and to set the tone for fathers’ days to come, read and […]