What dads really want for Father’s Day

What dads really want for Father’s Day

Okay, all you moms and kids out there, listen up. I am giving you ample time to get this correct this year. Father’s Day 2021 is two Sundays away. To make this the most successful Father’s Day in the annals of history — and to set the tone for fathers’ days to come, read and […]

Yup, it’s kinda, almost relatively summerish

Yup, it’s kinda, almost relatively summerish

Real hard to believe it’s the middle of June and we in these parts have had — what — 2.3 days of sun? On Father’s Day I joked with sons Shamus and Sean that Michigan is becoming the new Temperate Rain-forest in North America — taking over for the state of Washington. They were less […]

Looking back on Father’s Day

Looking back on Father’s Day

As one of that despots of the “older” generation who has ruined Facebook for Millennials and younger folks, this past weekend I posted a couple of pictures of my very own father, Pops Rush. And, why not, it was after all a Father’s Day weekend. I got to thinking, next month — July —will mark […]

So, it was Fathers Day. Yippity skippity, no biggie

So, it was Fathers Day. Yippity skippity, no biggie

Another Father’s Day has come and gone. Big whoop, right? If your dad is alive you give him a call, send a card or go visit so he can grill up something tasty for the family to eat on Dad’s Day Weekend. Bada-bing, bada-boom. Done and done. Back in the day, when my sons were […]

Dad to me: ‘Always keep your head up.’

The other day I was walking in a local parking lot and I saw a dirty old, patina’ed penny. It was dinged up pretty good, so I reckon it had been run over a few times. Despite the fact President Lincoln’s face was turned down, I bent over and picked it up and slid it […]