The power of the printed word

Hmm? What’s going on? Well, I have been remiss in my duties as a purveyor of locally written and or provocative literature. You didn’t know that was one of my duties? Well, it is — even if it’s a little known facet of my life as town’s Newspaper Guy. For the record my new business […]

Making a go of this time

For the past few years I have heard from folks in our office, from our readers and from our business partners that times are hard. I’ll admit, it is hard to dispute that conclusion when using logical equations with variables of higher energy costs, higher food costs, fewer automotive-related jobs, more home foreclosures and charitable […]

Saving America from Itself and Facebook

Okay, call me kookie, but I have been flirting with the idea of ditching my very own, personal Facebook page. I know, I know. Younger folk will think this is totally un-American — but I have to admit, the thought has been bouncing around inside my cranium since January. It’s nothing against Facebook, the company, […]

The wussifying of America: Part 2

Yikes. Who woulda? thunk a simple little column about the changing times, riding bikes and wearing helmets, would have brought so much mail. I guess I am doing my part to educate the community on this very important issue. First, let me say to some: relax. My boys, were they ever allowed to ride on […]

Smackin? frackin? sequestration

I know there’s nary a soul in the good ol? U S of A who’s clicking their heels and dancing a jig over our Federal government’s inability to be open, honest, frugal or any other trait Americans profess to process. (Sorry about mentioning clicking of heals and dancing a jig –I’m still basking in the […]

No Facebook posting on April Fools Day

So, I kinda struck a nerve when I opined (openly and on the internet) that maybe it was my God-given calling to save America from itself and Facebook. Okay, I whined about all the insignificant stuff folks post on-line for the world to see and I called for the great American Facebook off slated for […]

A teaspoon of vinegar goes a long way

‘The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.? That’s one of those good-feeling ‘anon? quotes, to which I add: Few things are more warming than a peek at baby in a grocery cart being pushed mid-mornings by its young mother, saying smiling greetings to that baby and having them smile and […]

The wussifying of America: bike helmets

This weekend started out great — but by the time the Detroit Red Wings finished skating up and down the ice in Calagary (1 a.m., Monday) two ugly feelings festered up and into my consciousness. I guess I felt some guilt and a little old. Old and guilty, why? Why indeed! The weekend was good. […]

So, it’s the firt week in Arpil and . . .

Spring has technically been here for a couple of weeks and while I get it, I ain’t buying it. It’s too cold. (Whine, grouse, complain.) Heck, according to the National Weather Service, we might hit 50 degrees by the end of the week. Whoopee! (Whine, grouse, complain.) I know, I know: Donny Downer is trying […]

The seeds are growing, so now what?

Hey, my plants are growing! Yep, it is true. Last year I had this wild idea to save some seeds from a Brandywine tomato to plant ’em and grow ’em again this year. I saved the seeds, dried the seeds and stowed them away out on the porch until three weeks ago. Then I constructed […]