Day off is a time to work for parks and recreation crew

No blood was reported, but there was some sweat and a few tears this past Veterans Day (Nov. 11). Members of the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department volunteered their holiday time off to help out a local veteran. ‘They did a good job,? 86-year-old Jim Ricketts said.? I can’t get around like a I […]

To be thankful is our way

The harvest is in and the holidays are upon us. Americans, despite the world at large, can find reasons for thanks. It’s our way, that despite the troubles and turmoils, we look heavenward and give thanks. After all, things could be worse. I guess it is our way as Americans to count our blessings and […]

Some bits of this and that

Notes from the war front. My battle with the Scalopus Aquaticus (the common Eastern Mole) has taken a decidedly dicey turn. I have taken to walking in my yard, near the veggie garden, barefooted. When I feel the hard, clay earth beneath me give, I smash my heel in as far as I can. I […]

What dads really want for Father’s Day

Now that Father’s Day 2006 is officially over, passed on, moved beyond and successfully relegated to the annals of history, I want to give all the ladies (and their children) out there something to think about. I’m telling you this now, so you can mull it over (and over and over into ad nauseam) for […]

Christmas Gift Giving Ideas

When this column runs, there will be less than 20 days left to buy Christmas presents for thems you love. Which means, I have plenty of time. If I start in about 19 days, I’ll be okay. (And, I’ll have plenty of cheap things to choose from.) A couple of thoughts have crossed synapses inside […]

How to send Peter Rabbit packin?

Rabbits, they say, taste like chicken when you eat ’em. I can honesty say I don’t remember. I had rabbit when I was still young enough to be under double-digits old. I remember Grandma McDonald fried one up; I remember the small bones; the greasiness, but not what it tasted like. Last week, I mourned […]

Obligatory Christmas Column #1,279,538

As I look back upon the thrilling holidays of yesteryear, I have come to believe those Christmases Past were magical. They were always white with snow. Everything sparkled. No strife. No sadness, only smiles and love. Even today, I love Christmas time. * * * I remember a few years back, while watching the annual […]

It’s time to send Peter Rabbit packin?

Being a parent (and a darned good one, if I don’t say so myself) I used to spend a lot of time reading to the boys. Now that they are all grown up (ages eight and six, respectively) and read on their own, I can longingly only look back to those father/son times . . […]

Christmas past remembered

Cameras have always fascinated me. I have cameras all over the house. Some work, some don’t and they come in all shapes and sizes. Some have polished wood and brass mechanisms. Some fold up into a big leather box, others have metal casings or plastic parts. But, they are all fascinating. I like the way […]

Send those breast pumps to Iraq (really)

I know Memorial Day has passed. And, I am sure all of you at least gave a moment of silence for those men and women who sacrificed their lives in support of this country. But, we still have men and women in harms way. Whatever your feelings for the politicians who sent our forces overseas […]