Starving Time

Starving Time: The Journals of Jonathon Lyle by Don Rush ‘It is said that human flesh is by far sweether than any other flesh, so when a wolf has once tasted human flesh, he disires to taste it again.? — a French priest from the 1400s Prologue Jamestown, May 8, 1610 The ruthless winter, the […]

Parks/Rec. backs school bond

With a little under a month to go, voters in the Oxford school district are still weighing whether or not to support a proposed a 7-mill bond extension. Oxford Township resident Ron Davis (who is also the township’s parks & recreation director), knows how he is voting: Yes. And, if any voter is still uncertain, […]

When life gives you cherries, spit out the pits

We’ve all heard it, read it and heck, probably said it. What is ‘it?? ‘It? is the state of the economy. In a word, ‘it? sucks. For the past year I have heard from folks in our office, from our readers and from our business partners that times are hard. I’ll admit, it is hard […]

Oh lucky day, the Taxman cometh

We all know (because we are all legal Americans) that it is our right — dare I say our solemn duty — to moan, groan and grumble about taxes. Since those exciting days of yesteryear when we tore off the tyrannical shackles of an oppressive government (read taxation without representation) we don’t like giving up […]

Who is making the most of today?

Last year I wrote the following column…. this year, more than ever I’d like to hear of the postives that are happening. I’ve driven past real estate businesses and seen plent of folks in their parking lots. Are home sales on the rise? Wha about folks, forced into bad situations and turning those situations into […]

Don on international current events

Some folks have a low tolerance for Buick-driving blue heads (for those not in the know, blue heads refer to those whose hair is a bluish-tinted gray). And, there are still others who get red-faced by the antics of pampered, postpubescent pukes who give little and expect all. Where you are on Don’s highly scientific […]

Can’t ride the pine at election time

As I sit at the computer and stare aimlessly into space, my throat is kinda dry. Through my mind’s eye I see a shriveled up tumbleweed rolling across a dusty street. And, although I feel like Gary Cooper at high noon, I hear the theme song from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, playing. There’s […]

Speak softly and carry a big stick

Did you know Hillary Clinton, while still only a Rodham and a college coed, clandestinely met with Cuban president Fidel Castro at a club in Havana to plot the slow, but sure socialist take over of America? And, did you know it was there she first learned of a smart, but gullible country boy, turned […]

For Oxford School-folk

As the news has come in, only 23 percent of voters bothered to vote in the Oxford schools’ bond election. The districts attempt to extend a 7 mill bond for 10 years, fell in a ball of fire. Now is the time to get back in the saddle. It is time for the powers that […]

Let’s give it up for earwax

In the past I have discussed the logistics of feet sweating something like 91 quarts of sweat a year. I have delved into the mysterious differences between men and women. I have even had the courage to explore what happens to a penny after it is swallowed. I have provided a veritable font of wisdom […]