
Halloween is Monday so watch out for all those little ghosts and goblins as they go door-to-door collecting candy. In Oxford Village and Township, the official trick-or-treating time begins at 6 p.m. and ends at 7:30 p.m. Both of Oxford’s fire stations will be serving free doughnuts and apple cider that night from 6:30 to […]

Candy buy-back

Oxford Smile Center’s Annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back program has returned to help benefit troops serving overseas and promote dental health. Dr. John Khoury and his team will be on hand to buy back candy for $1 per pound on Nov. 1 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Every family who participates will also receive a […]

Rough end to a tough season

By Chaz Millard Football Correspondent   Every football season has a conclusion and for the Oxford Wildcats theirs concluded on Friday night following their loss to Farmington Hills Harrison by the score of 49-7. This marks the second season in a row that the Wildcats failed to make the Michigan state playoffs finishing with an […]

‘Yes’ for schools, parks

In writing this letter, I want to be clear that the comments within are my personal opinions based upon the experiences myself and my children have had in Oxford. In no way am I speaking on behalf of the Oxford school board, district, or its members/employees. When I moved to Oxford with my family in […]

Vote ‘no’ on parks

Who does not remember the Blue Turf Fiasco? It was only a few years ago. The voters were asked to pay for artificial turf. The voters turned it down, not just once, but twice. I will not waste time on why blue turf was not needed. The important thing is that voters voted NO! TWICE! […]

Voters, consider these things

I’d like to share with you some thoughts and ideas with the hope that I can entice you to take the few minutes to go and vote and give these people, that includes me, a silent scream that you had enough, and you will be heard!!! The basis of my campaign, which got me started […]

Louise M. Sowles

Louise M. Sowles, of Attica and formerly of Leonard, passed away Thursday, October 20, 2016 after a brief illness, at the home of her nephew Wayne (Linda) Patterson in Attica, Michigan. She was 94. Louise was born December 8, 1921 in Addison Township to Frank and Bertha Laurent) Sowles. She graduated from Oxford High School […]

Henry Alfred Kritzman

Henry Alfred Kritzman was born February 17, 1935. Sadly, he passed away October 3, 2016 at the age of 81. Henry was known to all as simply “Hank.” Hank was a certified master mechanic and had that special knack where he could fix anything he got his hands on. He loved to work on cars […]

Public Notice: Oxford

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS VILLAGE OF OXFORD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT EMERGENCY SERVICES The Village of Oxford is seeking bid proposals from qualified service providers to manage Emergency Services and administer a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Emergency Services Program for the 2016 year. The program will provide emergency services to qualified low- and low-moderate income […]

Public Notice: Oxford Twp.

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS N O T I C E A Regular Meeting of the Charter Township of Oxford Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Monday, November 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the evening, at the Oxford Township Office, 300 Dunlap Road, Oxford, MI 48371, to consider the […]