DIA Support?

Dear Editor, On March 10, during the Presidential Primary, there is also a millage renewal of 0.2 mils to support the DIA for another 10 years from 2022 to 2031. In 2012, the original millage passed in Oakland County with 64% support. Much of the southern communities supported the effort while here in the northeast […]

Letter To The Editor

Thank you all! Dear Editor, To all of our friends, family, neighbors and Sureguard Construction, we say, “Thank You!” Now we have a new roof, badly needed for sure. It was a beautiful surprise. Hopefully we will be able to re-pay you some how, someday. Sincerely, Marlene and Gene Mallia, Leonard.

Letters To The Editor

Supervisor Dunn won’t seek re-election Dear Editor, For over 20 years, I’ve had the privilege and the pleasure to serve the people of Oxford Township as their supervisor. When I was originally appointed to this position, Oxford was a community tainted by corruption, rocked by scandal and divided by an imaginary line on a map […]

Letter To The Editor

Setbacks in Addison Township draws support Dear Addison Township Citizens, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your support in my opposition and Suburban Estates Property owners in preventing the Planning Committee and Addison Township Board from doing a backdoor rezoning wherein the side setbacks code would change from 50 feet to 30 feet […]

The Will to Prepare

By Oxford High School Graduate, Nick Shufflin As I sit here in a tundra 1,217 miles (according to Google Maps) from the place that had one of the most influential impacts on my life, I can’t help but ponder how my life would be had it not been for my short time at Oxford High […]

Best wishes for 2020

Hi, Don, As a former editor & reporter, I have a special fondness for community newspapers and value their worth. Thanks for all you do to get news and information to the greater community every week. Mr. Sherman surely is smiling on you. 🙂 Your dandelions comment (In the Don’t Rush Me column, Hey! Back […]

Letters to the Editor:

Lions say, ‘thank you!’ Dear Editor, The Oxford Lions Club is thanking all of the people who helped make our annual Christmas Baskets Project a great success. Our club could not complete this project without the help of The Oxford Leader, The Oakland Press, Meijer of Oxford, Oxford Middle School, Oxford School Bus Garage, American […]

Letters to the Editor:

Scrapbooks give thanks for helping them help Dear Editor, On behalf of the Oxford Scrapbookers Facebook Group, we would love to thank the community of Oxford for the wonderful support in helping make our third annual Thanksgiving Saturday “Crafting for Our Community” a successful fundraising event. On Nov. 30, we welcomed 47 crafters and 10 […]

Library Friends thankful for community support

As fall rolls around again the Oxford Public Friends Group would like to thank all of the individuals and businesses who have supported us this past year. Because the community has been so supportive we have been able to raise more than $12,000 to assist with the Oxford Library’s programming and other projects. As we […]

Idea for HOP property

I believe it would be a good idea to clean the land up. But, having the government be the one to apply and put its resources that costs money and time, effort that takes away from their other duties that are more pressing for many more members of the community as a whole, they should […]

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