Stop ‘reckless rezoning and over-building’

In his July 5, 2017 column, Editor C.J. Carnacchio wrote about his financial loss due to yet another needless vehicle accident on M-24. I sympathize with C.J. Less than a month ago I was also involved in an accident. My vehicle was struck from behind and I not only suffer financial loss like C.J., I […]

Lack of patriotism bothers resident

We just celebrated one of America’s holidays – the 4th of July. What a wonderful time to remember what a fantastic country we live in and how thankful we all should feel. My husband and I celebrated the 4th with a bike ride with our son, daughter-in-law, two grandchildren and our next door neighbor. We […]

Keep those kitties inside

I like feeding the birds and look forward to the many varieties that appear each day. It’s relaxing and an inexpensive hobby for me. Imagine my heartbreak when I found a decapitated bird in my bird bath (probably flung there by a cat “playing” with it), or a birdhouse knocked to the ground and the […]

Health concerns over proposed cell tower

I would like to ask our communities help and support by in attending the Zoning Board of Appeals for Addison Township on June 8th at 6 p.m. to voice their opinion on the proposed Verizon Cell tower, 150 feet from a kindergarten school. The site they have proposed is very risky and a poor fit […]

Slow down on village streets

I would like to say a few things to the people who cut through the village streets every rush hour to avoid traffic on M-24: 1) Park, Dennison and Pontiac streets were not built as a service drive so that you can avoid traffic. 2) There actually are speed limits and stop signs – might […]

Families thank emergency personnel, road commission

I would like to give a special thanks to the Addison Township Fire Deparment and Oakland County sheriff’s deputies. Your timely response to a 9-1-1 call on Tuesday, Jan. 17 was much appreciated. It was a morning that was extremely icy and hazardous. We also value the road commission and their quick efforts to help […]

Those who helped at crash scene, please come forward

Early New Year’s Eve morning, just after midnight, my niece, Samantha Calhoun, was involved in a head on collision on M-24 near Oakwood Rd. Her Durango flipped on its side and immediately caught fire, leaving her trapped and unconscious. Several people stopped, risking their own safety, to save her. Three men have been identified, John […]

Move proposed cell tower to ‘a more fitting location’

I have read the article about the proposal to place Verizon cellular tower in Addison Township near Hosner and Oakwood roads. I would like to ask our communities help and support in moving this to a more fitting location. The site they have proposed is very risky and a poor fit for what they, Verizon, […]

Post-election observations

What has become of our country? Everyone has the right to protest as long as they don’t interfere with the rights of others but never have I seen such hatred and vitriol from people who are supposed to be so tolerant and peace-loving (well, as long as you don’t disagree with them). I’m talking about […]